Communication Skills:

Communication is the process of interchanging information, ideas, feeling, and opinions with or without the use of words.

Effective communication is an essential skill in social life, particularly it is significant for students to be able to communicate with others effectively and confidently. Teachers are key sources to help learners to boost this skill.

Often people have the same needs, but they do not know to communicate and express them clearly. This brings us to the importance of communication. Communication may seem simple, but some factors that may impact people to understand of each other (Kobiruzzaman, 2021)

  • In communication, 55% of what we communicate is present with our body language, 38% is our tone of voice and only 7% is through our words (Kian & Devoogd, 2022).

  • Sometimes we think that we have positive behavior, but our body, eyes, and tone of our voice indicate another image of us.

  • Our behaviors, attitude, and body language convey a message to others

  • Three terms are important to be clear in the communication including the communication process, and types of communication which are verbal and nonverbal (Kian & Devoogd, 2022).

Elements of the Communication Process, (Kobiruzzaman, 2021)

  • In the communication process, the sender sends a message through a proper channel to the receiver. And the receiver gives feedback through channel to the sender, and the process continues

  • Encoding and decoding is an essential part of effective communication and there are some skills that need to obtain in order be able to build an effective communication

Verbal communication (Active listening):

Communication with the use of words and language to transfer a meager called verbal communication that can be divided into oral and written communication. Students need to bear in mind that active listening is a very important part of communication and how we respond the conflict. Listening is opposed to hearing a focused effort to understand what others are communicating that’s why we called it active listening (Kian & Devoogd, 2022).

Teachers try to be encouraged, ask questions, reflect, restate and summarize when they are listening to students.

Verbal communication (active listening) tools are:

  • Validating ideas

  • Asking questions

  • Reflecting with empathy

  • Using-I messages

  • Repeating information

  • Summarizing

What is Active listening?

Active listening is a skill! Here's how it's done, (HeartlinesZA, 2020)

Active listening example:

Example of active listening, (Китайгородской, 2016)

Non-verbal communication (listening):

The process of communicating without the use of words, facial expressions, body language, gestures, pictures, etc.

Nonverbal communication (body language) tools are:

  • Space

  • Lean forward

  • Eye contact

  • Mirror other person’s body language

  • Try to relax

  • Keeping your arms open rather than crossed

The importance of nonverbal communication, (Kimberly Klawans, 2013)

Verbal and nonverbal communication, (Rfa Renthlei, 2016)