The science of reading is a wide, interdisciplinary assemblage of scientifically-based research concerning reading and writing. The science of reading has accomplished a prevalence of evidence to prove the development of reading and writing. Despite the progress have been occurred, still there are gaps in issues related to reading and writing. Therefore, two main questions come in;

1- Why do some have difficulty in reading?

2- How we can most effectively teach, evaluate, and, hence, foster student outcomes via interference with reading difficulties? (Duke & Cartwright, 2021).

The Reading League (2020), describes how the science of reading improves the outcomes that every child can read

Duke and Cartwright (2021) noted three key understandings of scientific research and the science of the reading in their paper, which is listed below:

  1. Pointed to causes of reading difficulty within word recognition and language comprehension

  2. Reflected on the overlap between word recognition, language comprehension, and the significant processes that connect these skills through that overlap.

  3. Represented the profound role that active self-regulation plays in reading.