Coaching Teachers to Become Even Better

Coaches and instructional leaders do important work to support teachers and students engaging in the building knowledge and vocabulary Early Reading Accelerator. This instructional priority should be a hallmark of high-quality professional learning and coaching in the early grades (Aguilar, 2013).


Coaching is a form of professional development that brings out the best in people, uncovers strengths and skills, built an effective team, cultivates compassion, and built emotionally resilient educators. Coaching at its essence is the way that human beings and individuals have always learned best (Aguilar, 2013).

  • Apprenticeship is an ancient form of coaching.

  • An experienced practitioner welcomes a learner who improves her practice by watching, listening, asking questions, and trying things out under the supportive gaze of the mentor.

  • There is a difference between a mentor and a coacher.


Coaching definition, (SmithLeadershipLLC, 2012)


Mentoring definition, (Anshuman, 2022)

Coaching vs Mentoring

Coaching vs Mentoring, (LeanVlog,2017)

  • In order to transfer the education system, we need to have special attention to the people who makes up this system and all of their needs.

  • This requires everyone to develop tremendous patience, compassion, humility, attentiveness, and willingness to listen deeply.

  • Coaching is an essential component of an effective professional development program.

  • Coaching can build will, skills, knowledge, and capacity.

  • Coaching creates a relationship in which a client feels cared for and is, therefore, able to access and implement new knowledge.

  • A coach can foster a condition in which deep reflection and learning can take place where a teacher can take risks to change her practice where powerful conversation can take place. And where resilient, joyful communities can be built.