
Schools are the place that enables learners with the four components of literacy including reading, writing, listening, and speaking. This portfolio is written to emphasize the importance of literacy and its instruction to the different students with distinct abilities. Teachers will explore how to effectively instruct school subjects, and help students, in particular the struggled learners, to develop their comprehension skills in reading, positive attitude, and social behaviors.

The science of knowledge depicted the various models of reading and strategies to enhance struggling learners reading skills. Effective literacy instruction is the key content that deeply focused on the reading and writing concepts and process. This section provides guidelines about best practices of literacy instruction, organizing standard classrooms, techniques, strategies, and methods. Instructors are urged to implement these theories in their classrooms to expand student knowledge about literacy and promote their social and critical thinking skills such as communication, interaction, and engagement in the class. Book clubs, critical literacy, and critical media literacy topics are the activities that directly aid learners to be active, express their thoughts and think critically about others’ perceptions and media contents. To support students emotionally, the key topics of social-emotional learning in the schools are also added. School stakeholders will be familiar with how to make the schools a healthy environment by preventing conflicts and crimes, as well as equip learners with the basic support for their psychosocial and mental health well-being. The final part is a brief guideline for school stakeholders in order to promote delivering quality education for varied types of students like host communities, refugees, returnees, and IDPs. Concise information about community-based education, positive teaching, school leadership, and coaching in schools are provided under this part.

The content of this portfolio has been gathered from academic journals, papers, videos, students’ reflections, and professors’ presentations. The information is presented through text, tables, pictures, informative videos, and cliparts that make the paper very teacher friendly. This guideline provides general information that can be applied in varied sorts of learning centers, both private and public schools.


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