Community-Based Education (CBE)

Community-Based Learning (CBL) is a pedagogical approach that is based on the assumption that the most fundamental learning often derives from experience that is relying on guidance, context-providing, foundational knowledge, and intellectual analysis (Center for Teaching & Learning, 2017).

Community-Based Education (CBE) is an outreach to education in underserved areas. It is part of the formal education system in developing countries like Afghanistan. CBE is primarily made up of Community Based Education and Accelerated Learning Program (ALP). These programs are implemented for host communities, Refugees, Returnees, and Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) who are deprived of formal education due to reasons such as lack of public schools in the community, and displacement owing to conflicts, natural disasters, etc. (Afghanistan Ministry of Education, 2018)

Important concepts of CBE in different contexts:

  • The common concept of CBE is that communities play a critical role in these types of education. They are involved in each phase of the program such as providing learning centers, introducing teachers, running the schools, coordinating with relevant stakeholders, and any other activities related to the CBE programs.

  • The type of learning centers, curriculum, time frame, and target beneficiaries are varied based on the different countries and contexts.

  • In developing countries, the CBE program is considered a transitional education for formal education who do not have access to public schools.

  • Normally the CBE classes are supported and funded by humanitarian organizations in developing countries.

  • Under CBE and ALC learners can pursue their education from grades 01 -12 based on the national government curriculum.

  • Protection, child rights, gender, and social-emotional learning is the main part of CBE centers in order to support the mental well-being of children and enhance their resilient abilities in the new community.

Community-Based Centers in Uganda Established by UNICEF