Reading comprehension in narrative and expository text

Factors affecting comprehension are motivation and attention (curiosity)

  • Establishing a routine of providing time, books, and stimulation to talk about issues that are important or should be important in children’s lives.

        • Reading & Writing Workshop

        • Literature focus groups and Literature Circles or Book Club (Devoogd, 2022).

Providing inspiration and interest in ideas by

  • Giving book talks and providing time for students to give book talks, especially for books that expand a children’s thinking in areas they are not normally exposed to.

  • Rewards for reading and writing include praise, awards, and prioritizing reading and discussions about books.

Reward as a celebration, not as payment.

  • Choice of reading and the option to sometimes read easy books.

  • Lots of interesting books are available at the levels students read.

  • No busy work such as most workbooks. Resist calling reading and writing work – it should be captivating. If it is not, change it until it is.

  • Refuse to use or teach with texts that are uninteresting or not useful (Devoogd, 2022).

Motivation and Attention:

Helping students establish an identity as a thinker/ reader/ writer. If they like you and see that you are a reader, they will like to do that also.

  • Sharing personal reading and writing the teacher is working on and providing time for students to share ideas from books they’re reading and writing.

  • Personal references to books they are reading as is appropriate. Read useful books, funny books, and touching books.

Using the ideas, you read and write about to be a better person

  • Do meaningful things as a result of your reading. For example, if you read about hate, help students learn to use loving words and act in loving ways. If you read about misunderstanding, help children learn to understand each other (using peer mediation, etc.). Write a letter to the principal, your father, or the president about an important issue, read a funny book, write a funny book or use funny phrases from the book when you talk to your friends. Read, write, speak, listen, view, and represent to scare, amuse, inform and help

  • In your writing and speaking, use beautiful words and phrases you read or hear. Make a list of words/phrases you want to use.