Active view of reading

In research from Duke and Cartwright (2021), four major features of the active view of reading are explored. The key points from their research are highlighted below:

  • A major characteristic of the active view of reading is that it explicitly identifies contributors to reading and possible inceptions of reading difficulty, through the vast classification of word recognition and language comprehension.

  • Another feature of this model is that it describes word recognition and language comprehension as overlapping, and expressly determines processes that connect these constructs.

  • The third feature is the engagement of active self-regulation and placing it to influence the word recognition, language comprehension, and bridging processes. The below picture provides more information.

The Active View of Reading Model, (Duke & Cartwright, 2021)

  • A fourth attribute of the active view of reading is that each construct named in the model is instructional flexible. This means that practitioners can impact it.