A Guideline for school teachers on effective literacy instruction and classroom management


The significance of literacy is vivid in all schools’ subjects. If students struggle with different sorts of text, they might not be able to take advantage of the knowledge disseminated in the classrooms. Literacy instruction is a fundamental process in k-12 schools in order to enhance students’ capacity in reading, writing, and learning emotional cognitive concepts. Overall, to provide a quality education for children, three major elements including effective literacy instruction, supporting children mentally and emotionally, and boosting their critical thinking and social skills are required.

The main objective of this portfolio is to provide a brief guideline to school teachers, especially novice instructors, to equip them with the knowledge and skills to deliver quality education in schools. This guideline can be used for both public schools and Community Based Education (CBE) learning centers with different contexts and target groups of students. The students can be host communities, Refugees, Returnees, and Internal Displaced Persons (IDPs) who have been displaced due to conflict, natural disasters, etc. The information for the content has been collected from reliable resources of books, journals, research papers, reports, websites, professors, presentations, and videos. Additionally, the reflection of master of education students regarding different topics is entailed in this paper, which makes it more productive. The first part is devoted to the science of reading and effective literacy instruction. The topics of reading and writing comprehension, strategies, close reading, and critical literacy are the main parts of this section. In the second part, the focus is on the social and emotional learning of students. In this section, students will learn interpersonal and professional skills such as communication, conflict resolution, basic concepts of trauma, and the approach to how to conquer the traumatic events and reach a positive outcome in their life. The last section aims to raise the capacity of school stakeholders in connection to effective leadership, effective classroom management, coaching, and mentoring.

This portfolio can potentially help the policymakers, educational authorities, and practitioners in public and private schools to grasp knowledge on the development of updated curriculum, effective school management, and consequently successful delivery of quality education.


All photos on this website are CBE students in Herat and Badghis Province of Afghanistan. These CBE classes have been supported by the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC). Most of the photos are taken By Sima Ahmadi - former Education Officer at NRC and uploaded to this website with the consent of students.

An Example of effective classroom management

About me

This is Sima Ahmadi from Herat Province of Afghanistan, a master’s student of Art in Education at the Asian University for Women (AUW). I have studied leadership development at the Institute for Leadership Development (ILD) supported by the US morning star organization and completed my bachelor's in computer science from Herat University. I have worked with different INGOs for more than 07 years where I have led large teams and managed humanitarian projects. I have worked with the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) as Education Technical Program Officer and psychosocial master trainer, Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee (BRAC) as Education Program Organizer, and Development Alternative Incorporated (DAI) as an Information technology Assistant. Besides, my academic and professional career background, I attended many volunteer works and lead the projects. For instance; I have passed three months of Women Leadership Development (WLD) where I lead and facilitated computer operational programs for the female law graduate student of Jami university in Herat province. The project was designed and lasted for one month, but its impact was a lot. In ILD through knowing the impact of communication, I formed a team for raising funds to help vulnerable children. We provided and distributed more than 200 winterization kits/ warm clothes for the orphanage children in Herat. Additionally, participating in the Youth International Exchange Camp (YIEC) in Uzbekistan provide me an opportunity to learn about the different nations’ cultures, lifestyles, and social perceptions. Consequently, my next objective is to pursue my P.H.D in the field of Educational Technology upon graduation with my master's at AUW and be an expert in the era of Ed-Tech.