Precis 3

Early Days on Eyre Peninsula 3


This week Mr. J. D. Somerville concludes his account of the settlement of Port Lincoln.

Faced with the first ballot for the 167 water frontages, the 4,000 acres which had been taken up under the special survey had to be divided between the 72 persons who provided the original funds or their nominees. The promoters at the inception apparently had no fixed idea how to work the scheme.

"The list of proprietors is too long for publication, they deserve honor, but the greater honor is to the original subscribers. C. Smith is shown as holding 20 blocks, C. Smith & Co. 2, B. Shaen 25, W. F. Porter 6, H. Hawson 8, Porter and Hawson 1, J. E. Barnard 5, J. Stuckey 4, O. Gilles 4, Rollason 4, W. Wyatt 4, T. and J. Shepherd 4, M. Smith 6, H. Giles 4, and 41 other proprietors holding three or a lesser number of blocks." . . .

The scheme must have been a sad disillusionment for the majority of the proprietors. Many had visions of a wonderful city, backed by a thriving population such as would be worthy of "the finest harbor in the world," but alas, except for a few township blocks, the town lands were practically valueless for nearly 70 years . . .

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