Madeline Dismuke

Madeline Dismuke is an artist from northern Utah who works with a range of medium from painting and drawing to printmaking. In this body of work, Madeline has used a mixture printmaking and paint to study the idea of a beautiful life. Every human has a story to tell. Their facial expressions and marks somewhat describes that story. By exploring these concepts through a stop-motion animation, the work becomes a celebration of a woman’s life. Who is the woman in the work? Madeline hopes to achieve a sense of gentleness by depicting a woman full of beauty, grace and strength but beyond her physical features there may also be pain, suffering and happiness. Depicting a young woman in this work was important to Madeline because she herself is a young woman. One who is lost and trying to find her way. One who has happy days but also needs to cry every once in a while. One who is on a journey of growth and exploration. Madeline is currently a student at Utah Valley University studying Art and Design who graduates in the spring of 2022. She hopes to continue studying and progress as an artist as she works in the field of visual communications.