Discovery Primary

Welcome to the Discovery Primary Section.

We have a Francophone section, an English section and a Bilingual track.

Our entire primary school broadly follows the Cambridge International Assessment and curriculum standards for classes and in all subjects except for French Section.

All our French language curriculum content is aligned to the National French curriculum with standards set by Eduscol. Students in the Francophone section prepare to take end-of-cycle evaluations using both CNED/Eduscol and DALF assessments at the end of primary.

Our Primary School is made up of 6 classes:

    • Year 1: 5-6 years (Grande Section, GS)

    • Year 2: 6-7 years (CP)

    • Year 3: 7-8 years (CE1)

    • Year 4: 8-9 years (CE2)

    • Year 5: 9-10 years (CM1)

    • Year 6: 10-11 years (CM2)

    • Year 7: 11-12 years (6e)

Learning goals for primary school students

Our curriculum promotes four aspects of achievement:

  • The ability to express oneself in oral and written form and, where appropriate, to remember facts accurately and use them constructively.

  • The ability to apply knowledge through practical tasks, problem-solving, investigation skills, and the use of oral and written language.

  • The development of personal and social skills, such as the ability to work with others and take on a leadership role within a group.

  • The development of confidence that comes through self-discipline and the commitment to learn and persevere even when tasks seem difficult.

Our major subjects are as follows:

  1. English or French as a Primary Language

  2. Mathematics

  3. Science

  4. Global Perspectives

  5. PE (Physical Education)

  6. Art

  7. English or French as a Foreign Language (EAL)

  8. Kinyarwanda as an Additional Language

  9. Digital Literacy and Computing

  10. Music

How we assess and track progress at the primary school level

All new pupils have a baseline assessment in reading and math at the start of the academic year. Existing students typically have end-of-year data from the previous year to inform lesson planning and support for the next year.

Using this information, teachers plan to accelerate student attainment and set targets for English and Numeracy.

As the year progresses, we assess your child in the following ways:

  • Observing them working in groups

  • Asking them questions or giving them complex problems or tasks to solve

  • Looking at their completed work

  • End of unit assessments - i.e., after finishing a science unit of work on light

  • External Cambridge assessments

  • Regular formative assessment during lessons

Twice a month, teacher teams collectively review individual student progress against selected critical standards in math and language. This is where patterns and trends are identified. Teachers will then create support plans to provide continuous support so that each student makes optimal progress.