It is A Busy June! 

Mark your calendars 

Note: Either 28th or 29th June will be confirmed as a public holiday

Students Business Fair - Showcasing Young Entrepreneurs

Calling all parents and members of our school community! We are thrilled to announce our upcoming Students Business Fair for upper primary students (Year 4 -7 and CE2, CM1, and CM2). This fair is a platform for our young entrepreneurs to showcase their innovative ideas, products, and services. Come and support our budding business owners by attending the fair and exploring their creative ventures.

We hope these updates and events bring excitement to you and your children. Our aim is to provide a nurturing and engaging environment, and we greatly appreciate your continued support. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. Thank you for being part of our school community!

Parents with students from the upper primary section: it is important that you visit this page for guidelines

Product and Service List (Discovery students' businesses)

Year 4

Galaxy Donuts - various flavored donutholes  

Luxury in a Jar - sugar scrub  

Bookmarks and bracelets  

CE2 Ms. Claudine

Beignets, Limonade, Pop corn, Barbe à papa, T-shirt, Bijoux, Dessins, peinture

CE2 Mr. Bonfils

Groupe 1: Gwiza, Lenzie et Noah (Cookies et smoothies)

Groupe 2: Jordane, Rama et Enzo (Crêpes et Goffres)

Groupe 3: Shami, Michaël et Nathan ( Jus de citron et gâteau au citron)

Groupe 4: Kian, Dante, Levi et Caleb (Jus de fruits -mangue et pomme)

CM2 Mr. Adelard

Groupe1: Koen - Gianna - Ramya: Girako Coffee: coffee, teas, Chocolates, smoothies: 

Groupe 2: Lycia - Elvira - Fonzie: patisserie: crepes - cupcakes - sandwitches - burgers - waffles - fries

Groupe 3: Medy - Irebe - Jeremy: Smoothies and cold beverages

Year 6 and 7

Bouncing Fun; 1 bouncing castle; capacity: 20 kids in 10 minutes: 

Selling drawings; 12 frames,12 drawings; 

Chocolate cupcakes; 48 cupcakes 

35 table mats 

9 key chains 

20 bracelets  

20 loaves bread 

Jam (30 - 40 jars)


Year 6 and Year 7

Joel's Piggy banks; 20 piggy banks  

Chris's cupcakes; 50 cupcakes 

Yan's bakery; a cake 

Paper fans for all; 50 fans  

Elvis' cakes, healthy forever; 3 big cakes 

The Discovery Holiday Camp is Back!

July 11th to August 11th 2023

Looking for fun activities during the holidays? We've got you covered! Our Holiday Camp is just around the corner, featuring piano classes, guitar classes, football, basketball, taekwondo, French classes, English classes, dance classes, aerobics, LifeSkills sessions, Book clubs, and a wide range of other activities to cater to different interests.

From sports and arts to coding and music, there's something for everyone. It's the perfect opportunity for your children to make new friends, learn new skills, and have fun during their break. Stay tuned for registration details and secure a spot for your child! 

Holiday Revision Sessions

We understand the importance of maintaining academic progress even during holidays. That's why we will be offering holiday revision sessions for different class levels as part of the holiday program. These sessions will help your children reinforce their understanding of key concepts and be better prepared for the upcoming term. More information on the revision schedule will be shared soon.

July and August Reading Challenge

We believe in the power of reading and its impact on our students' development. Get ready for an exciting summer reading challenge happening in July and August! Prepare your children for an amazing literary adventure during their vacation. Stay tuned for more details coming soon!