EARLY YEARS - Preparation for the school dAY

What to pack and prepare for your child

Clothing, footwear and sun-protection

Morning Snack

Please send your child with a healthy snack and drink every day. Click here for suggested options

5. Nap requirements

Full day students aged 4 years and below bring a blanket and 1 or 2 bed sheets every Monday and take them home every Friday for washing.

6. Arrival and Departure

Here are some reminders regarding the arrival and departure procedures. We will all be working hard in collaboration, to make the processes as efficient as possible!

Firstly please keep the good-byes short and sweet for an easier transition. Remind the children to have their school equipment ready to be quickly carried from the vehicle on arrival.

Remember to pick up your child on time; having to wait for a later pick-up will be challenging for the child.

Half day students will be picked up at 12:30 pm - this option is available for only children aged 4 and below

All full day students will be picked up at 4:00pm

7. Saying good-bye to your young child (Ages 1 to 4)

Children aged between one and four years may be distressed when separating from their parents, especially when they are young or in a new environment. 

It is a normal sign of emotional development when a young child shows separation anxiety as they become more aware of themselves as separate individuals from the caring adults in their lives. 

Here are a few tips to manage this short, expected but sensitive period;