PRIMARY online

“In a time of drastic change, it is the learners who inherit the future. The learned usually find themselves equipped to live in a world that no longer exists,” Eric Hoffer.

The Daily 6

All Primary children must have a balanced learning ‘diet’ and to achieve this,

we have introduced ‘The Daily 6’ to all of their schedules.

Aim for 20-30 minutes per day on all 6 - except Zoom which is as per class timetable.

1. Zoom sessions

(for class meetings and live video-conference lessons)

2. Lalilo or Headsprout

(daily literacy practice)

3. Khan Academy

(for daily math lessons and practice)

4. Kids A-Z

(daily independent reading)

5. Work in SeeSaw

(Science, Global Perspectives and other work)

6. Physical Activity

(Children always need it!)

By apportioning teaching and learning time effectively we aim for the children to have ample opportunities to learn with the teacher, with their peers, and independently.

The Daily 6 allow children to focus on a range of subjects and skill areas including but not limited to literacy, numeracy, physical education, science, global perspectives and their social-emotional development.

A Typical Day Learning Online

Daily Morning Meetings on Zoom

Guided Reading Lessons on Zoom

(small groups, alternating sessions every morning)

Math Lessons on Zoom

(small groups, 1-2 times a week)

Independent Work on SeeSaw, Khan, Lalilo, Kids A-Z etc

Math, Language, Science/Projects in SeeSaw (with links to other platforms)

Science/Global Perspectives


Read Aloud/Literature on Zoom

Physical Activity

Additional Foreign language (Ages 5/6+)

1to1 meeting with the teacher

(Once a week)

A few memories from 2020!

Science Project: float vs sink

Math and measurement in the kitchent

Science meets Art with the insect sculpture project

Science Project: crested crane study

History Project: Castles in the medieval times

English Grammar: nouns vs verbs

Math doubles and number sentences

Math: Telling the time