Other helpful RESOURCES:

English Primary

RAZkids: These are ebooks children can use for reading practice (Free for 2 weeks)

Oxford Owl free e-books — Animated Storybooks, Stories brought to Life (App and website)

Try the Khan Academy Kids learning app for Years 1 and 2. It is available for download on smartphones and tablets.

Jolly Phonics App for lower primary. We recommend daily phonics practice for children aged 3-7 years for 10-20 minutes (daily).

Audion books: - free streaming for the next few weeks

Scholastic Learn at Home Curriculum

National Geographic Kids

The Magic School Bus on Netflix

BedTime Math: App and website

BBC Bitesize KS1 ( 5 to 7 years)

BBC Bitesize KS2 ( 7 to 11years)

French Primary

Apps and websites

Livres en Francais: Digital library

Contes et legendes

Fables et poesies

Mathematiques: Khan Academy/Khan Academy Français

1000MotsGS (4-5 ans) and 1000MotsCP/CE1 ( 5-7 ans) are apps that build reading skills. We recommend daily phonics practice for children aged 3-7 years for 10-20 minutes.

Livres en Francais - RAZkids: These are books children can use to practice to read from age 4, as long as they have learnt at least 10 of the initial alphabet sounds.

Ecriture - cursive avec Yannick

Audio sites/podcasts - free streaming for the next few weeks

Art projects

One couple is hosting art lessons on YouTube at 2 pm ET for two weeks (starting Mar. 16). Lessons will be archived.

Lunch doodles with Mo Willems The beloved, award-winning children’s book illustrator (Don’t Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus!, Knuffle Bunny, etc.) invites kids to draw along with him daily at 1 pm ET on YouTube.

Sites for science, history and other subjects: