

How does one navigate the profusion of images in the world around us? The French Academy has tasked you with bringing some sense of order to this chaos and organizing a sort of dictionary of images. Unfortunately there is no image alphabet. So you'll have to find a more creative way to arrange them. Whoever of you finishes first will receive a bonus, so be quick! 

👥 2  to  6  players ⏱️ 20 minutes

Game Material:




The Game

How to Win


Shuffle the cards and place 2 piles of 4 cards, face down, in the center of the table. If there are more than 4 players, place 3 piles instead. These cards will be help cards. Between these two piles, place 2 (3) face down cards side by side which will be the prompts. Then, deal 15 cards to each player who keeps them face down in front of them. When everyone has received their cards, they can take the first 3 cards from their deck and look at them.

Pedagogical Guide

During the Game

Players practice their vocabulary in the following way:


A teacher can change the association rules to emphasize or avoid specific vocabulary

For example:

The Cards

The cards are simple enough that a class can use them in a variety of ways.

For example:

Creators: Hannah Varekamp, Katherine Casarrubias, Mary Kate