
Top skills; Collaboration, Creativity and Initiative 

The Drama Department offers a diverse range of opportunities for pupils to develop skills in all aspects of performance and theatre production roles. We encourage our pupils to experience live theatrical productions to broaden their understanding of all that theatre has to offer. From our CfE courses in S1 & S2 all the way up to Advanced Higher Drama in S6, we encourage pupils to develop their creativity in a positive learning environment. We also provide opportunities for pupils to get involved in extra-curricular projects through building skills in acting, directing, stage management and multiple production roles.

A career in the creative industries is an exciting path to consider with many more opportunities for a variety of job options than you might realise.

The following links will take you to websites which can show you some of the current courses and careers available on screen and stage (and behind the camera and off stage too!)




 Click on the below boxes for further information on the different levels