Shannon's Pathfinder Abomination Metropolis

So here is a character for Shannon's Pathfinder game, I hope it is as much fun as his Fallout Game was




Brom Atop The Piled Bodies

Human Chaotic Neutral

Fighter (Two-Handed Archetype) Level 2

Flaw: Born Under A Bad Sign

Feats: Power Attack, Furious Focus, Cleave, Cleaving Finish,

Two-Weapon Fighting, Weapon Focus (Nodachi)

Traits: Ancestral Weapon (Cold Iron), Serpent Runner (When fighting with two weapons,

the penalty imposed on primary weapon is reduced by 1)

Str 20

Dex 16

Con 14

Int 9

Wis 13

Cha 7

Fort +2| Ref +0| Will -2

BAB +2

Armor Class 16 (14) (Dex +3, studded leather armor +3) (Cleave -2)

Hit Points 16 (plus roll 1d10)

Nodachi (+10 to Hit, 1d10+10 damage, crit 18-20)

Armor Spikes (+9 to Hit, 1d6+7 damage, crit x2)

Two-Weapon Fighting - Nodachi +9 to Hit | Spikes +6 to Hit, 1d6+4 damage

Standard Pack

masterwork cold iron Nodachi

Spiked Studded Leather Armor (spikes are masterwork cold iron)

Leather Mask painted with a white skull


Born the sixth son of a seventh son, Brom Atop The Piled Bodies knew his older brothers had all been warriors and most had died in battle in far away lands. Brom Atop The Piled Bodies wanted to be a mighty warrior too but when his little brother Wesleg was born his father sent him to apprentice with his uncle the Archmage of Isger.

When Brom Atop The Piled Bodies wasn't listlessly going through the motions of apprenticeship he was locked in an old library at the top of the Tower of Anguish. He passed the time leafing through the crumbling tomes until it grew too dark to read and then would watch bats flying in the night sky until he fell asleep. His cousins grew tired of bullying him and mocking his heritage of sword wielding heroes when after a few years he proved to be every bit his fathers son, growing freakishly strong.

Out of boredom Brom Atop The Piled Bodies would paint with charcoal, the only thing available, and he painted the only things he knew, the night sky, magic symbols and things hinted at in old books. Unknown to him the dark emotions evoked in his bleak paintings attracted the attention of some darker being.

At 20 Brom Atop The Piled Bodies considered his apprenticeship complete and escaped through a long forgotten secret door in the torture chamber at the bottom of the Tower of Anguish. Quite oblivious to the malignant entity following him through the half-flooded subterranean ruins he did not hear its quiet laughter when he fought a giant constrictor with only a dagger. Nor did he see the shimmering patch of deeper darkness churning over the corpses of the mole-men whose skulls he had just smashed in.

Eventually Brom Atop The Piled Bodies found his way into the bottom of a well in the gnomish district of <the starting city of Shannon-ville???>. After being hauled out the little folk sent him to a hovel to stay with an old gnome woman. The next day the old woman cooked an urchin and Brom Atop The Piled Bodies thought it best to leave the district of cannibal gnomes. He didn't notice the old gnomes confusion and horror at what she had done or how her shadow was doubled over in laughter as the guards took her away.

Name: Crem AL: NG Race: Tiefling, Male Class: Alchemist 2 Ht 5'6 Wt 186 Hair Blk Eyes Red

STR 12 +1 Formulae per day: 1st: 3

DEX 16 +3 Favored class bonus: +1/2 per level to bomb damage

CON 14 +2 Darkvision 120', low-light vision, prehensile tail, scaled skin

INT 18 +4 Spd 30'

WIS 12 +1

CHA 9 -1

HP: 12(and roll a d8)

AC: 18=10+4armor+3d+1na

BAB: 1

CMB: 2 CMD: 15

Attack: Heavy mace +2 1d8+1 /x2

Light crossbow +5 1d8 19-20/x2 80ft

Bomb +4 touch 1d6+5(5ft splash for 7damage with reflex dc 15 for half) /x2 20ft

Saves: F: +5 R: +6 W: +1

Traits: Trapfinder, Eyes and ears of the city

Feats: Fiendish Sight


Acrobatics 5=2r+3dex, Appraise 9=2r+4int+3c, Finesse 9=2r+3dex+3c+1t, Nature 9=2r+4int+3c, Perception 7=2r+1w+3c+1t, Spellcraft 9=2r+4int+3c, Stealth 7=2r+3dex+2race, Survival 6=2r+1w+3c

Background skills

Alchemy 11=2r+4int+3c+2alchemist, knowledge planes 5=1r+4int, knowledge religion 5=1r+4int




+4 Alcmenical bonus to Str or dex or con for 10m/lvl and -2 to Int or Wis or Cha for same.

Formulae Known

1st: True Strike, Cure Light Wounds, Detect Secret Doors, Enlarge Person, Disguise Self, Shield, Identify

Equipment Starting wealth 3d6x10x2=180(rolled a nine)

Chain shirt armor 25lb +4ac, MD +4, SC -2, ASF 20% 100gp

MW Light crossbow and 20 quarrels 4lbs 35gp+2gp

Dagger (in boot sheath) 1lb 1gp

Heavy mace (on belt) 8lbs 12gp

Bandolier 5sp

Backpack 2lb 2gp

Bedroll 1sp 5lb

7days rations 3.5gp 7lbs

Soap 5sp 1lb

Portable alchemist's lab 75gp 20lb

5 flasks of alchemist's fire 50gp(I made them)

2 potions of Disguise self 50gp (I made them)

2 potions of enlarge persion 50gp(I made them)

4 potions cure light wounds 100gp (in the bandolier)(half price cause I made them)

Wand of Cure Light Wounds 50ch 750gp

10gp left over


Crem was raised in an orphanage after being abandoned by his parents. It was a harsh upbringing in the land of Cheliax where he was seen as a second class citizen at best and as property by most. The master of the orphanage trained his wards to watch everything they saw in the streets and report back to him, thus gleaning information to sell to his various contacts about the city. When a child displayed any talent beyond spying the Master would seek to sell them to the appropriate guild. Early in his childhood it was discovered that Crem had a talent for alchemy, placing the Master in a predicament as few alchemists were present in the town and fewer still would consider a tiefling apprentice no matter how talented. In time, the Master found a solution; via messenger he had found an alchemist in a distant land who would take Crem and pay a modest fee to have him.

Crem found life with Toir the Bitter to be far worse than spying for the Master. Toir was a hatefilled man who forced Crem to work ceaselessly at the menial tasks within the lab. On more that one occasion, only Crem's natural resistance to fire saved him severe injuries. Eventually, Crem became adept at the tasks about the lab, even learning to make use of his tail to get tasks done faster. While Toir never expressed any adulations, he did become slightly less demanding. Crems natural darkvision was enhanced through exposure to several of Toir's experimental distillations, ostensibly by accident but Crem knew better.

Some months after Crem's apprenticeship should have been done, he came to the realization that Toir had no intention of letting him go. Taking it upon himself to end his apprenticeship, Crem slipped away in the night. His training under the Master and his natural tiefling abilities made an otherwise impossible escape possible. Fleeing for weeks, Crem learned to live as best he could off the land until he finally made it to <Shannon's Port city for the start of the campaign>.

Having few other skills outside of his training as an alchemist and no contacts or gear other than what he stole in his escape, Crem has decided that a life of adventure may be where his future lies as it will afford him the oppurtunity to move should he catch wind of his old tormentor on his trail.


Sulis lv2 oracle of life CG

Hp 10+1d8. Init -2. spd 30. Ac 18

Resist acid, fire, cold, elec 7.

Fort 2 Ref 2 will 3

Str 9. Dex 14. Con 14. Int 10. Wis 10. Cha 20.


Religion 5. Spell 5. Perception 5. Craft jewelry 5.

Channel energy 6×day 1d6

Silent spell

Selective channel

Sacred conduit, unscathed

0lv dc15 det magic, read magic, light, guidance, create water.

1st dc16 cure light, doom, shield of faith.

MW chain shirt, MW heavy wood spiked shield, wand cl, standard pack, 128g

Hess is a child of two worlds but belongs to neither, the son of jann and man. Hess was orphaned at birth, the strain of his jann blood was to much for his mother. Hess was taken in by a local slum lord who believed Hess could grant wishes when he came to age. But the slum lord was shocked when Hess became deaf upon reaching adolesence instead of being able to grant wishes. Hess was sold into the slavery of the mad Wizard Geroth who caged Hess and tortured him to find if the powers of the jann could be fully unleashed. Geroths many dangerous experiments soon came to the attention of the families, who did not take kindly to Geroths misdeeds effecting the city. The families "removed" Geroths and many of his specimens; however one of the men sent after Geroth saw that Hess was a pawn of fate. Hess was free but he knew that a debt must one day be paid and vowed to aid in destroying the the criminal elements that were corrupting Celestia when he was strong enough. Hess spent several years learning of his heritage and affliction of deafness, until late the time came that in fevered dreams Hess learned of his calling as an Oracle. Cursed and blessed, native and outsider, Hess discovered his power and glimpsed his potential.








Ketarum Steelsack

Male Half-Giant, Soulknife 2 | Neutral Good

Height: 8 foot, 2 inches Weight: 286 pounds Age: 37 Hair Color: Dark Brown Eye Color: Blue Skin Color: Leathery and tan with an unusually deep red tint in it due to fire giant mother

Init +1; Senses low- light vision; Perception +6


AC 20 (18 for a round after using Cleave), touch 11, flat-footed 19 [+9 for armor - Masterwork FULL PLATE crafted by myself except family great helm crafted by my father, 500 gp (1/3 cost for materials), masterwork cost zero from DM bonus], +1 Dex

hp TBD (favored class = Soulknife, 1 hp added per level)

Fort +3 (0 for class level +2 for CON, +1 for misc. DM bonus) | Ref +4 (+2 for class level, +2 for DEX)| Will +3 (+2 for class level, +1 for WIS)

Fire Acclimated +2 on saves vs. FIRE saves and effects


Speed 20 ft.

Melee (always Power Attacks unless stated otherwise) Great Axe is usual mind blade of choice unless otherwise stated (size LARGE weapon, manifest mind blade with move action) [+2 for BAB + 4 for STR = +6 to hit, 3D6 damage + 6 (for 2-handed power attack with 18 STR), crit 19-20 (x2)]

Blade Skill (2nd level) = Combat Slide if successfully strike enemy in melee, may take immediate 5-foot step even if I've already moved unless that move was a 5-foot step; if missed in melee, may spend an immediate action to take a 5-foot step

Ranged 2 size Large Javelins (+2 for BAB + 4 for STR - 2 for one eyed flaw = +4 to hit, range 30’, 1d8 + 4 damage, crit x2)

Powerful Build treat as one size larger if advantageous when calculating CMB or CMD size modifiers, or vs. grab or swallow whole; can use one size larger weapons without penalty

Spell-like ability, Stomp 1/day (2 extra Power Points/day for augment due to Psionic Talent feat) manifester level = 1/2 current level, DC Reflex (negates) = 10 + power's level + CHA modifier (currently 11). 20’ range cone-shaped spread, my foot stomp precipitates a psychokinetic shock wave that travels along the ground, toppling creatures and loose objects. The shock wave affects only creatures standing on the ground within the power’s area. Creatures that fail their saves are thrown to the ground, are prone, and take 1d4 points of nonlethal damage. Augment: For every additional power point you spend, this power’s nonlethal damage increases by 1d4 points. For every additional 2d4 points of nonlethal damage, the power’s save DC increases by 1.


Str 18 (16+2 racial), Dex 12 (14-2 racial), Con 15, Int 13, Wis 12 (10+2 racial), Cha 10

Base Atk +2; CMB +7 (BAB+STR mod+size mod); CMD 18 (10+BAB+STR mod+DEX mod+size mod)

Vision Low-light Vision

Feats Psionic Talent (racial bonus), Power Attack (soulknife bonus), Cleave (1st level feat), Furious Focus (feat for flaw), Heavy Armor Proficiency (feat for flaw)

Flaw One-Eyed (DOUBLE flaw), roll twice for miss chance due to concealment and take the worst roll, -2 penalty to ranged combat

Traits Steel Skin (Gain the ability to don or remove heavy armor in half the normal time. Additionally, you begin play with a great helm bearing the iconography of your family (this helm grants no special defensive benefits). While wearing this helm with a suit of heavy armor, you gain a +2 trait bonus on Intimidate checks.), Civilized (Gain a +1 trait bonus on Knowledge - Nobility checks and Knowledge - Local checks. Knowledge - Local is always a class skill for you.)

Background Skills (2 ranks/level) (RANKS + STAT BONUS + MISC BONUS): 1 background rank for Language (Giant), Craft Armor (1 background rank + 1 adventuring rank + 1 + 3 for class + 2 for masterwork tools = 8), Knowledge Nobility (1 + 1 + 1 for trait bonus + 3 if ok’d as class skill by Shannon based on my background and the Civilized trait = 6), Profession Bodyguard (1 + 1 + 3 = 5)

Adventuring Skills (4 + 1 for INT/level) (RANKS + STAT BONUS + MISC BONUS): Autohypnosis (1 + 1 + 3 = 5), Climb (1 + 4 + 3 = 8, reduced to 3 if wearing full plate), Intimidate (1 + 0 + 3 = 4, increased to 6 if wearing family great helm), Perception (2 + 1 + 3 = 6), Swim (1 + 4 + 3 = 8, reduced to 3 if wearing full plate), Survival (0 + 1 + 4 for being a half-giant = 5), Knowledge Local (1 + 1 + 1 for trait bonus + 3 for class = 6)

Languages Common, Giant

Equipment: Masterwork Artisan’s Tools for Crafting Armor (55 gp), backpack (with “adventuring pack”, 75 gp instead of normal 50 gp so certain things are half-giant sized as necessary),bedroll, 1-pint flask, 7 days' trail rations, hunting knife, whetstone, shovel, hammer, 2 square yards canvas, fishing line and hook, flint and steel, iron pot, tent, waterskin, 3 candles,1 tinder twig, ink, pen, 10 sheets of parchment, soap, steel mirror, sunrod, hooded lantern, 4 pints of oil, crowbar, 5 pitons, grappling hook, 50-foot hemp rope, 3 pieces of chalk, the lacy undergarments of a beautiful, local nobleman’s wife named Henrietta, a cheap silver ring with the letter K on each side of it (for Ketarum and Kittuck) that older brother gave for luck when he left home for adventuring (brother wearing exact match), a crude map given by real father showing the directions to the general area that real mother (fire giant) was last known to be inhabiting

370 gold pieces remaining after purchasing materials to craft suit of full plate, masterwork artisan’s tools for crafting armor, and the half-giant-sized adventuring pack.


Ketarum Steelsack was brought into this life in the depths of a furnace-like chasm nearly ten miles northeast of the Port City of Celestia. His fire giant mother, Vilvakia, was lithely muscled and gruesomely disfigured with a well-thickened hunchback covered in perpetually open pustules. Over fifteen feet tall but quite thin at only 2,000 pounds, she was savagely brutal in combat which led to her being a leader of small bands of fire giants at a very early age. Vilvakia took what she wanted, when she wanted, no matter the circumstances — fearless, evil, and overwrought with insecurity that was masked with violence and cruelty. On yet another raiding trip, Vilvakia and her followers cornered a group of human adventurers who fought valiantly but ultimately were killed to the last person…. and what a person?! The other fire giants looked on with smiles and anticipation of the final killing blow that Vilvakia always insisted upon — but this time proved differently from any time before or since….. for this time, Vilvakia’s expression changed from guttural rage to strangely relaxed as she looked down upon the man that would be Ketarum Steelsack’s father, Ashram Gilden.

Ashram was a veteran, two-handed fighter that excelled the most in two things in life — swinging a great axe and crafting armor! His incredibly magnetic personality was only overshadowed by his goodness and physical beauty. With blonde hair and blue eyes, Ashram was incredibly tall at 6 foot, 8 inches in height, but quite gaunt, weighing only 165 pounds of twisted, pipe-like muscle on top of muscle. He truly felt his time had come when he looked up upon the red giantess, Vilvakia. As he looked to the side and away from her hideous face, his entire party of adventurers was barely recognizable from the excessive bashing of bone and brains by the fire giant band of vileness. Instead of the expected coupe de grace, Ashram was effortlessly dragged by his long, blonde hair by Vilvakia into a darkened, private corner of the dungeon with no one else around. In extremely broken common with a thick, giant accent, Vilvakia said, “Vilvakia looooooove you.” Horrified and fearful of the meaning of these words and barely into consciousness from his deep wounds, Ashram Gilden blankly gazed into the corner of the chasm chamber. With a swiftness of a fox and the brutality of a bear, Vilvakia snatched Ashram by the leg and snapped his femur like a twig over her muscled knee as Ashram howled in agony and fell unconscious. The sheer horrifying savagery of what followed is only known by the two in the room as the hunchbacked giantess had her way with this beautiful human hour upon disturbing hour as she intermittently poured the little potions of healing from Ashram’s blood-soaked backpack that she had learned to recognize so very well into his mouth to only abuse, debase, and grind his kind soul to a karmic pulp of pure evil even more deeply.

Left for dead, Ashram stabilized in the last possible moment before the grim reaper could take him away. His lifelong jovial spirit had been broken completely as he disconnected from his usual, known reality and found himself in Celestia. Ashram eventually became functional to society as he made quite a name for himself as an extremely talented armor craftsman who rarely smiled or spoke to anyone. As for the fire giant, Vilvakia, her savagery continued with little a thought of Ashram, and fourteen months later gave birth to a half-giant son who would ultimately be given the name Ketarum Steelsack!

Embarrassed by her new son, Vilvakia looked down into the same deep blue eyes of Ashram Gilden, cruelly gouged out the left one, and pushed the baby into a giant pit deep beneath the city where a wandering fire giant child discovered him and brought him home as a new pet or toy. The baby half-giant grew into a toddler as months passed along with the fire giant child regularly snapping the half-giant’s bones until the gaunt half-giant fled for his life. He had seen a hidden door that the fire giant child’s father used regularly when going on raids and made his way into one of the many secret passages to the surface. Hiding in the darkness, quivering in fear, the half-giant child lurched and bolted through the passage as quickly as he could, and as luck would have it, there were no raiding parties using it at that very moment in time. Exhausted, broken, and incredibly strong, the half-giant child that would be Ketarum Steelsack entered the surface world for the first time with a crude “toy” axe and the ability to only speak and understand the language of the giants….. his destiny awaiting before him!

For the very first time in his very young life, the fates smiled upon the half-giant child….. upon reaching a river days later, he collapsed in the grass on the brink of death. He was discovered by a human couple, Jerrick and Wilestria Steelsack, who were taking a relaxing afternoon walk nearby their humble, idyllic home nestled in the countryside only a few miles from the city of Celestia. They took in the young half-giant and raised him as their own child along with an older brother, Kittuck Steelsack. It took a great deal of effort, time, and love from the Steelsacks to merely communicate with their newfound son who they named Ketarum. Naturally intelligent and unusually tall to say the least, Ketarum eventually became quite civilized in nature as he learned the common language as well as how to use a great axe with his older brother’s assistance who always dreamed of becoming an adventurer! With a perpetual feeling in the deepest recesses of his mind, Ketarum Steelsack knew something special lied within him, but he never knew exactly what it would turn out to be…. until one afternoon, when training with Kittuck, an emblazoned great axe appeared within his mind with unparalleled vividness and intensity, then the same axe suddenly appeared in his hands seemingly out of thin air?! The brothers looked upon each other with shocked amazement and then a smile….. Ketarum’s life would never be the same again.

As Ketarum spent hour upon hour honing his mind blades into various sizes and forms, he always found himself somehow drawn back to the great axe! Months drifted into years, as Kittuck began taking Ketarum into the city of Celestia with him as Kittuck prepared gathering the gear necessary for adventuring. Jerrick and Wilestria Steelsack proved nervously supportive parents of such aspirations of fame, fortune, and of course, danger. They had spent a lifetime as genuinely good people who loved the outdoors, spending copious amounts of time climbing the local hillsides with their children, swimming the local waters, and saving every last copper piece as farmers for their children’s future. Along these lines, they insisted that Kittuck use their life savings to purchase the finest armor that their 52 gold pieces could afford, and he knew exactly who he wanted to craft this suit of scale mail — Ashram Gilden, one of the very finest armor craftsmen in all of Celestia. Kittuck had never actually seen Ashram so when he and his younger brother, Ketarum, ventured to inquire about the making of the armor, they entered the incredibly hot crafting area in which Ashram worked and saw the tall, gaunt matter craftsman at work! Upon their very first lock of gaze, Ketarum and Ashram realized that their was a strange similarity in their looks, particularly with their perfectly matched blue eyes (well, a single, blue eye in Ketarum’s case). Initially, it was shrugged off by both of them, but as time passed, Kittuck ultimately got his armor and everything else necessary to strike out on his own!

Ketarum Steelsack found a strong interest in the crafting of armor once his big brother left home for a life of adventuring, and Ketarum became an apprentice under the incredibly quiet Ashram Gilden. The combination of spending so much time together and Ketarum’s growing past eight feet in height with deeply reddish-tan skin as well as the striking resemblances with the master craftsman of armor, Ashram connected the dots while he mentally and emotionally dredged through the trauma of his brief yet mind-numbingly horrific time with the fire giant, Vilvakia….. he had a SON?! A HALF-GIANT son! Ultimately, Ketarum and Ashram opted to NOT disclose this information to anyone at all, including the Steelsacks who had treated Ketarum so kindly after a nightmarish beginning to life and truly loved him like a son.

As Ketarum ventured into adulthood and moved out of the Steelsack’s home and into a small abode within the city limits of Celestia, the lithely muscled half-giant was fatefully noticed while crafting armor by a wealth noble from the area where the richest ruling family lives. Upon inquiry and a brief conversation, Ketarum began working as a personal bodyguard of the noble as asked. This lead to Ketarum’s being regularly hired as a bodyguard by numerous nobles and wealthy luminaries as his knowledge of the locals, especially the nobility grew exponentially as time went on. Seduced by more than one wealthy wife, Ketarum began to morally feel uncomfortable around such people and yearned for an opportunity to be an adventurer that fought for good causes and for good people, just like the Steelsacks.

Assembling a notable amount of wealth as a personal bodyguard to the wealthy, Ketarum was able to purchase the materials necessary to custom craft his own set of full plate armor, and as a bodyguard who always had to be quick to be ready at all times, he rigorously practiced donning and removing the heavy suit of armor with the help of his father time upon countless time, always with the goal to be as fast as possible! Though no one knew of their true connection, Ashram developed a deep bond with Ketarum and lovingly crafted an ornate, great helm with the iconography of his own family along with subtle, almost hidden visual references to his fire giantess mother. When this great helm was donned by Ketarum Steelsack along with his gleaming set of full plate, the half giant became THAT much more intimidating to behold!

Utilizing his mind blade and amazing armor, Ketarum has gained combat experience through his widely varied bodyguard experiences that have extended both within the city and outside of it as the wealthy love to travel. Ketarum is looking forward to a life as a adventurer, and his higher than normal wisdom has indicated that fighting and traveling alone is very unwise, and recently, he began looking to meet others that were interesting, not ill at heart, and looking for adventure like himself. Thus far, while frequently the local taverns and inns of the working class area of Celestia, he has been a part of amazing conversations but not found many others that he clicks with…. other than one that has stood out from the others and who has become somewhat of a friend to him — a strange little creature named Crem with red eyes and an amazingly agile and intelligent mind who claims to be something called a “tiefling” and who is VERY interested in a craft just like Ketarum, but not armor making….. alchemy! Fate may indeed be sending this half-giant yet another good sign — but of course, only time will tell.