Red Tower

The Red Tower appears on different worlds, sometimes it just sits there for a night then vanishes at sunrise, other times it waits a century, spewing forth endless hordes of hunters.

Some say the Red Tower is actually a pair of towers acting as a portal from the Far Realm.

Hunters resemble skinless hounds with four tentacles sprouting from their back. They are attuned to magic, for they unerringly run down, rend and devour all users of magic.

Hunters are tireless and do not sleep, but they must feed upon the flesh of creatures that use magic to survive and can live for a week and a day without eating.

Hunters are aberrations that are somehow related to displacer beasts. They have spell resistance 15 and the feat Reckless Offense, for the first week out of the tower they suffer from Light Blindness.

The disease-ridden moon beasts come from a subterranean kingdom on the dark side of a frozen moon. Some say that when the Red Tower appeared on their world, they ate the Hunters and went inside to look for more.

A human-like race who call themselves the Law Bringers have also come out of the Red Tower on occasion. They are tall, pale skinned and gaunt, most keep their heads shaved and dress in gray leather armor.

Law Bringers are a race and a prestige class.

Law Bringer prestige class


Must be Lawful

Favored Enemy (aberrations)

Psionic Shot feat

Knowledge (dungeoneering) 5 ranks

Knowledge (the Planes) 2 ranks

Must be given a psi-cannon by a law bringer


Fighter base attack progression, good will save.

1. Psionic Meditation, Favored Enemy (aberrations) +2

2. Greater Psionic Shot

3. Favored Enemy (aberrations) +2

4. Fell Shot

5. Favored Enemy (aberrations) +2

Psi Cannon 50 gold / 2d6 damage / x4 on a crit / 10 lbs

When you expend your psionic focus Psi Cannons fire a bolt of psychic energy with a 120' range increment, otherwise it can be used as a great club. Can be fired with one hand at a -4 penalty on attack rolls.

A law bringer who ceases to be lawful loses all law bringer abilities and may not progress in levels as a law bringer.

Elf Wizard (Psychic Mage) Level 10

Diety: Bokrug


Alertness, Improved Unarmed Strike, Wild Talent, Psionic Meditation, Psionic Fist, Power Attack, Snake Style, Skill Focus (Sense Motive), Quicken Spell (True Strike), Martial Training I (Scarlet Throne).

Arcane Discovery: Knowledge is Power

Flaw: Raised by Amazons (-1 hit point/level, -3 Will saves)

Traits: Mental Discipline (+1 Autohypnosis), Magical Lineage (True Strike)

Str 18 (20)

Dex 14

Con 12

Int 16

Wis 14

Cha 8

10 5 5 5 2 -2

Sympathetic Psicrystal (+3 Sense Motive)

Snake Style (Combat, Style)

You watch your foe’s every movement and then punch through its defense.

Prerequisite: Improved Unarmed Strike, Acrobatics 1 rank, Sense Motive 3 ranks.

Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus on Sense Motive checks, and you can deal piercing damage with your unarmed strikes. While using the Snake Style feat, when an opponent targets you with a melee or ranged attack, you can spend an immediate action to make a Sense Motive check. You can use the result as your AC or touch AC against that attack. You must be aware of the attack and not flat-footed.

10 ranks in Sense Motive +28

Elf Wizard (Divination) Level 10

Diety: Bokrug

Initiative: +8


Alertness, Improved Unarmed Strike, Combat Expertise, Improved Trip, Snake Style, Skill Focus (Sense Motive), Quicken Spell (True Strike).

Arcane Discoveries: Knowledge is Power

Str 16

Dex 14

Con 12

Int 22 (24)

Wis 10

Cha 8

10 10 5 2 -2