Pathfinder game set in the campaign world of Golarion

I'm thinking 1st level dudes, it's pretty open on race/class; just keep it fairly tame on the race selection, as in no fire giants, raksashi, great old ones, etc. Anything comparable to the standard races will be fine. Now if ya'll talk amongst yourselves some and want to play a higher level then that is fine, remembering that most of the players will not have a character ready in advance and cannot make a PC of even 1st level on short notice. There will be a bonus for a pregenerated background.

Anyone who does not have a PC ready will have to play a vanilla character made by myself or Jim.

25 points

The PCs

Unchosen Male human monk (monk of the empty hand)/druid (plains druid) 1/2 | Lawful Neutral

Loopkin Bluestone Male svirfneblin (deep gnome) rogue/cleric of Nivi Rhombodazzle 1/1 | Neutral

Detris Dash Male nocturnal human fighter 2 | Lawful Neutral

Sirmon the Serpent Male human wizard (shapechanger)/fighter 1/1 | Chaotic Neutral

The game so far...

We battled some gnolls that had raided an inn and moved in. From there we explored two small ruins and freed some unknown thing, dunno if it was good or evil.

Not sure if we gained a level, I was bored silly. I did enjoy making multiple characters, particularly Unchosen.

Thus ended DMD VIII.

I look forward to DMD IX.