
A place for some of the characters doomed to die in Scott's D.A.M.N. Campaign

Thistledown Brandybottom

Alignment: LN Player: Donnie

Male Halfling

Hgt: 3'8 Wgt: 36lbs Eyes:BRO Hair:BRO

Class: Unchained Monk

Level: 4

Str 10 -0(12 purchased with -2 for halfling)

Dex 18 +4(16 purchased with +2 for halfling)

Con 14 +2

Int 10 -0

Wis 16 +3

Cha 10 -0(Dumped to 8 with +2 for halfling)

Hp 12 (10 for first level Unchained Monk, +2 Con)

AC 19 (+4 Dex, +3 Wis, +1 small, +1 dodge)

Spd 35 (30 base(Halfling alternate racial trait Fleet of Foot))

BAB: +1

Saves: Fortitude +2(+2 UM, +2 Con, +1 Halfling, -3 Born)

Reflex +4(+2 UM, +4 Dex, +1 Halfling, -3 Born)

Will +1(+0 UM, +3 Wis, +1 Halfling, -3 Born)

Weapon: Mighty halfling fist +6(+1 BAB, +4 dex, +1 size) 1d4 + 0

Halfling Slingstaff +6(+1bab, +4 dex, +1 size) 1d6+0

Kama +6(+1 bab, +4dex, +1size) 1d4+0

Skills: Acrobatics 1+4dex+3Class+2Racial=10, Perception 1+3Wis+3Class+2Racial=9,

Spellcraft(UMD only) 1+3class+2racial+1trait=7, Survival(Survival Only) 1+3Wis+3Class=7

Background Skills: Craft Alchemy 1+0+3=4, Profession Sailor 1+3+3=7

Traits: Dangerously curious, Poverty Stricken

Feats: Dodge(Monk bonus), Weapon Finesse, Fleet, Run, Improved Unarmed Strike

Flaws: Born in Scott's campaign [Triple Flaw!]

You have the misfortune to be in one of Scott's nasty, brutish and short campaigns.

Most likely you will be killed by a boar.

On the plus side you are adapted to cold weather and you can run really fast

(you're gonna need it).

Penalty: You receive a -3 penalty on all saves.

Benefit: You treat extreme cold conditions as severe cold, and severe cold as cold weather

conditions. You are not impacted at all by normal cold weather conditions.

In addition, you do not become fatigued by frostbite or hypothermia.

You receive the Run and Fleet feats for free and gain a +2 bonus to Acrobatics.

Class Abilities: Flurry of blows, Stunning Fist DC 14

Racial Abilities: Fleet of Foot (Base 30' move (Replaces Sure Footed))

Fey Thoughts (+2 racial bonus UMD and Acrobatics and they are always class

skills (Replaces fearless))

Halfling Luck (+1 all saves)

Weapon Familiarity Slings and weapons with halfling in the name

Keen Senses +2 perception.

Equipment: Monks robe, Halfling Slingstaff,

Background: Thistledown's mother passed in childbirth bringing his sister, Featherdown,

into the world. Thistledown's father resented the loss of his wife and blamed Thistledown and

his sister Featherdown for her loss. Over the years, their father became more cruel and bitter

towards his children, seeking ways to punish them that far exceeded any wrongdoing they may

have done. Thistledown learned to move fleetly of foot to avoid his father's ire and spent many

a cold night outside, scavenging for food and believing he was cursed to have been born to a

father like his.

Eventually, his father remanded him to a monastery to rid himself of the troublesome child while

also gaining some favor with the local church. That was the last Thistledown saw of his father

or his sister, for when he eventually completed his time with the monastery and was granted his

freedom to choose the path of his life, he returned to his home in Varisia only to find the dwelling where he suffered for many of his younger years burned to the ground, supposedly by some

group of raiders from the north.

Amongst the ruins he found bones of a size to be his sister and his father.

Having no roots to tie him down Thistledown has spent some time as a sailor, satisfying his natural wanderlust.


Brogus Visilius

Player:Donnie AL: LG

Unchained Monk

Level 3

Male Dwarf

Ht: 4'4" Wt: 199 Eyes: Blk Hair: Blk Age: 71

Str: 16(+3)

Dex: 12(+1)

Con: 16(+3)

Int: 13(+1)

Wis: 16(+3)

Cha: 8(-1)

Spd 35'

Hp: 16 + 2d10+6

AC: 15

Saves: R: 1 F: 4 W: 1

BAB +3

CMB +6 CMD 15

Weapon:Mighty Dwarven Fist +6 1d6+3

Flaw: Born in Scott's Campaign

Trait's: Life of toil(+1 fort saves), Dangerously Curious

Feats: Toughness, Power Attack, Dodge, Deflect Arrows, Combat Expertise

Skills: Spellcraft 3r-1cha+3cs+1tr=6, Acrobatics 3r+3dex+3cs+2feat=11,

Athletics 3r+3str+3cs =9, Perception 3r+3wis+3cs=9, Stealth 3r+3dex+3cs=9,

Survival 3r+3wis=6

Background Skills: Craft Weapons 3r+3cs+1int(+2 metal or stone)=7,

Profession Sailor 3r+3cs+3wis=9

Special: Unstoppable(replaces Hardy; gives toughness as bonus feat), Darkvision 60',

Giant Hunter +1 attack vs giants +2 perception to follow tracks of giants(replaces hatred),

craftsman +2 to craft of profession checks involving metal or stone(Replaces Greed),

Equipment: Winter clothing, Standard pack with heavy winter blankets,

Wand of cure light wounds 50ch, wand of endure elements 50ch,

wand of mage armor 50ch, Wand of cure light wounds 50ch


Brogus was born in the cold mountains of the northlands. He spent his early years learning

and working at the forge with his parents in an outlying community of the dwarfs. While still

in his formative years, giants raided this community and killed a great many of the dwarfs

there and enslaved many others. Years passed with Brogus and other captives forced to toil

at the demand of the giant masters, crafting weapons and armor impossibly large for them

to use. Eventually, the slaves taught themselves to fight with their fists alone and passed

this knowledge among themselves in secret. To Brogus the uprising was a glorious, if ill-fated,


The dwarves did successfully throw off the shackles of their oppressors but as far as Brogus

is aware none of his fellow dwarves survived. His memory of the uprising is foggy at best due

to him being possessed by a demon during the event. While the demon has since left him,

Brogus still has a frequent sense of someone else being with him. Having lost everyone he

knew or cared for, Brogus set about to travel the world. He finds himself welcome in many a

town for crafting expertise and has spent some time as a sailor on the seas.