Basic RolePlaying

Basic RolePlaying Character (d100)

Basic RolePlaying Character (d100)

Str ___ Effort ___%

Con ___ Stamina ___%

Siz ___ Damage Bonus ___

Int ___ Idea ___%

Pow ___ Luck ___%

Dex ___ Agility ___%

App ___ Charisma ___%

Edu ___ Know ___%

Hit Points ___ Major Wound ___

Fatigue ___ Sanity ___

Skill Category Bonuses

Combat ___% Mental ___%

Communications ___% Perception ___%

Manipulation ___% Physical ___%


.All of your character’s characteristics (STR, CON, SIZ, INT, POW, DEX, and APP) begin at 10.

.You have 24 points to spend on your character’s initial characteristics. This is the equivalent of the ‘normal’ power level for a campaign.

.Heroic campaign: 36 points, Epic Campaign: 48 points, Superhuman: 60 points.

.Each STR, CON, SIZ, or APP characteristic point is worth 1 of these points; each point of DEX, INT, and POW each cost 3 of these points.

.You can choose to lower your starting characteristics below the starting value of 10. For each point of STR, CON, SIZ, or APP you reduce below 10, you get another point to spend on other characteristics. For every point of DEX, INT, and POW, you get 3 points back.

.No initial characteristic can be raised to higher than 21, and no initial characteristic can be lowered to below 3.

.Multiply STR x 5 for your Effort roll.

.Multiply CON x 5 for your Stamina.

.Add STR + SIZ and find your Damage Bonus on the chart below.

Damage Bonus

STR+SIZ | Damage Modifier

2 to 12 –1D6

13 to 16 –1D4

17 to 24 None

25 to 32 +1D4

33 to 40 +1D6

41 to 56 +2D6

57 to 72 +3D6

.Multiply INT x 5 for your Idea.

.Multiply POW x 5 for your Luck.

.Multiply DEX x 5 for your Agility.

.Multiply APP x 5 for your Charisma.

.Hit Points: Add CON + SIZ and divide the result by 2. Round up.

.Your major wound level is 1/2 hit points, rounded up.

.In the power point (PP) box, circle the number equal to POW.

.Experience Bonus: 1/2 your character’s INT, rounded up.

.Your character’s MOV is 10

.Fatigue Points = Str + Con

.Sanity Points = Pow x5


Skill Category Bonus

.Add 1% for every point in the primary characteristic over 10; subtract 1% for every point below 10.

.Add 1% for every 2 points in the secondary characteristic above 10, subtract 1% for every 2 points under 10 (rounding down the bonus if required).

.Subtract 1% for every point in the negative characteristic above 10; add 1% for every point under 10.

Category | Primary | Secondary | Negative

Combat skills DEX INT, STR —

Communication skills INT POW, APP —

Manipulation skills DEX INT, STR —

Mental skills INT POW, EDU —

Perception skills INT POW, CON —

Physical skills DEX STR, CON SIZ

.20 Skill Points in Brawl, Climb, Dodge, Grapple, Insight, Jump, Ride, Sense, Stealth, Throw, and any two Combat Skills. 75% Max, excess spent on one of the other listed skills.

.Heroic Game: Add 5 more points to each skill, and 10 to the Two Combat Skills. 90% Max

Epic Game: do it again (30 to each skill, 40 to the two combat skills). 101% Max

SuperHuman: do it again (35 and 50). No Max

Int x10 for your personal skill point pool. 75% max and 50% cap on skills outside of those listed above.

Skill (Category) Base %

Brawl (Combat) 25% Martial Arts (Combat) 01%

Climb (Physical) 40% Melee Weapon (var.) (Combat) per weapon specialty

Dodge (Physical) DEX x 2 Missile Weapon (var.) (Combat) per weapon specialty

Grapple (Combat) 25% Parry (various) (Combat) per weapon specialty

Insight (Perception) 05% Shield (Combat) per shield type

Jump (Physical) 25%

Ride (various) (Physical) 05%

Sense (Perception) 10%

Stealth (Physical) 10%

Swim (Physical) 25%

Throw (Physical) 25%

Appraise (Mental) 15% Literacy (Mental) 00%

Art (various) (Manipulation) 05% Medicine (Mental) 00%

Bargain (Communication) 05% Million Spheres (Mental) 00%

Command (Communication) 05% Mythos Lore (Mental) 00%

Craft (various) (Manipulation) 05% Navigate (Perception) 10%

Disguise (Communication) 01% Perform (Communication) 05%

Etiquette (various) (Communication) 05% Persuade (Communication) 15%

Fast Talk (Communication) 05% Repair (various) (Manipulation) 15%

Fine Manipulation (Manipulation) 05% Research (Perception) 25%

Firearm (various) (Combat) per weapon Science (various) (Mental) 01%

First Aid (Mental) 30% Sleight of Hand (Manipulation) 05%

Heavy Machine(var.) (Manipulation) 01% Spot (Perception) 25%

Heavy Weapon (var.) (Combat) per weapon Strategy (Mental) 01%

Hide (Physical) 10% Teach (Communication) 10%

Knowledge (various) (Mental) 01% Track (Perception) 10%

Native Language (Communication) INT (or EDU) x5

Other Language (Communication) 00%

Listen (Perception) 25%

Easy enough,

Str 21 Effort 105%

Con 13 Stamina 65%

Siz 20 Damage Bonus +2d6

Int 10 Idea 50%

Pow 10 Luck 50%

Dex 10 Agility 50%

App 10 Charisma 50%

Edu 10 Know 50%

Or for an awesome, unlucky, uneducated Ninja Pirate / Road Warrior Berserker

Str 21 Effort 105%

Con 10 Stamina 50%

Siz 20 Damage Bonus +2d6

Int 10 Idea 50%

Pow 5 Luck 25%

Dex 21 Agility 105%

App 10 Charisma 50%

Edu 5 Know 25%

Or you can roll

.Roll 3D6 in order for the characteristics Strength (STR), Constitution (CON), Power (POW), Dexterity (DEX), and Appearance (APP). No rearranging stats.

.Roll 2D6+6 for the Education (EDU), Intelligence (INT) and Size (SIZ) characteristics.

.If you wish, redistribute up to 3 points between your characteristics. No characteristic can begin at more than 21 points.

I'm not terribly lucky, lets see what I roll

Str 14 Effort 70%

Con 9 Stamina 45%

Siz 12 Damage Bonus +1d4

Int 10 Idea 50%

Pow 6 Luck 30%

Dex 9 Agility 45%

App 10 Charisma 50%

Edu 13 Know 65%

Great! I rolled up a normal everyday turd. I shall name him Wes.

I moved three points from Size to Dexterity, for a more realistic Wes I'd leave the Size and Dexterity unmodified, but this is a fantasy game so...

I'm not excited at all to play with these stats, so for me, I'd go with 24 Stat Points to spend.

ARG! (Adventurer, Ready to Go)

Str 21 Effort 105%

Con 10 Stamina 50%

Siz 20 Damage Bonus +2d6

Int 10 Idea 50%

Pow 5 Luck 25%

Dex 21 Agility 105%

App 10 Charisma 50%

Edu 5 Know 25%

Hit Points 15 Major Wound 8

Fatigue 31 Sanity 25

Skill Category Bonuses

Combat +16% Mental -2%

Communications -2% Perception -2%

Manipulation +16% Physical +6%


Brawl (Combat) 51% Bastard Sword (Combat) 75%

Climb (Physical) 75% Large Round Shield (Combat) 75%

Dodge (Physical) 75%

Grapple (Combat) 51%

Insight (Perception) 23%

Jump (Physical) 51%

Ride (horse) (Physical) 31%

Sense (Perception) 30%

Stealth (Physical) 36%

Swim (Physical) 51%

Throw (Physical) 75%

Appraise (Mental) 13% Literacy (Mental) 00%

Art (various) (Manipulation) 21% Medicine (Mental) -02%

Bargain (Communication) 03% Million Spheres (Mental) -02%

Command (Communication) 03% Mythos Lore (Mental) -02%

Craft (various) (Manipulation) 05% Navigate (Perception) 08%

Disguise (Communication) -01% Perform (Communication) 03%

Etiquette (various) (Communication) 03% Persuade (Communication) 13%

Fast Talk (Communication) 03% Repair (various) (Manipulation) 31%

Fine Manipulation (Manipulation) 21% Research (Perception) 23%

Firearm (various) (Combat) per weapon Science (various) (Mental) -01%

First Aid (Mental) 28% Sleight of Hand (Manipulation) 21%

Heavy Machine(var.) (Manipulation) 17% Spot (Perception) 23%

Heavy Weapon (var.) (Combat) per weapon Strategy (Mental) -01%

Hide (Physical) 16% Teach (Communication) 08%

Knowledge (various) (Mental) -01% Track (Perception) 08%

Native Language (Communication) 48%

Other Language (Communication) 00%

Listen (Perception) 23%