GURPS Zombies



To keep things as simple as possible for those completely confused by rules they refuse to read I'm attempting an exercise in futility by forcing the players to make their own GURPS character.


First pick one of the six templates or roll 1d6.

The first three are ex-military

1 Monster, 2 Hunter, 3 Doomed

the last three are civilians of various sorts

4 Redneck, 5 Lawman, 6 Chef

If it's a 100 point game pick your Disadvantages and Quirks and you're done.

If it's 150 pick a Lens. If it's 200 pick two Lenses. If it's 250 points you get all three Lenses.


Monster (100 point template)

You were a predator before you went into the military, now you are a fucking monster. Your prey are those you deem a threat to society, anyone who reminds you of childhood trauma, or just whomever catches your eye.

Attributes: 90

ST 17 [70]

DX 12 [40]

IQ 9 [-20]

HT 10 [0]

Secondary Characteristics: 0

Damage 1d+2/3d-1; BL 58 lbs.

HP 17 [0]; Will 9 [0]; Per 9 [0]; FP 10 [0]

Basic Speed 5.5 [0]; Basic Move 5 [0]

Advantages: 20

(Talent) Strangler 4 [20]

Disadvantage: -50

Weirdness Magnet [-15], Bloodlust [-10] and -25 points chosen from among

Alcoholism [-15], Bad Temper [-10*], Bully [-10*], Callous [-5], Code of Honor [-5 to -15], Compulsive Carousing [-5*], Flashbacks (Mild) [-5], Honesty [-10*], Impulsiveness [-10*], Intolerance [-5 to -10], Lecherousness [-15*], Overconfidence [-5*], Sense of Duty (Comrades) [-5], and Trademark (Simple) [-5].

Quirks: -5 (pick five)

Skills: 45

Guns/TL8 (Rifle) (E) DX+4 [12]-16

Guns/TL8 (Pistol) (E) Default+1 [1]-15

Knife (E) DX [1]-12

Brawling (E) DX+2 [4]-18†

Stealth (A) DX+1 [4]-17†

Tracking (A) Per+1 [4]-14†

Wrestling (A) DX+1 [4]-17†

† +4 from Strangler 4

Driving/TL8 (Automobile) (A) DX-1 [1]-11

Computer Operation and Area Knowledge (Home Town), both (E) IQ [1]-9

Swimming (E) HT [1]-12

Camouflage; First Aid/TL8; Savoir-Faire (Military), all (E) IQ [1]-9

Armory/TL8 (Small Arms); Navigation (Land); Soldier/TL8, all (A) IQ [2]-9

Climbing and Spear, both (A) DX-1 [1]-11

Monster Lenses

Cold 50 points

Handsome [10], Honest Face [1]

Combat Reflexes [15], Deep Sleeper [1]

High Pain Threshold [10], DR 1 (Limited, Crushing, -40%) [3]

Power Grappling [1], Trademark Move (make one up) [1]

Technique (Neck Snap) [8]

Born on the Bayou 50 points

+5 Per [25], Cajun: Spoken (Native)/Written (None) [3]

Night Vision 9 [9], Pistol Fist (Guns) [1], No Hangover [1]

Weapon Adaptation (Knife to Brawling) [1], Weapon Bond [1], Signature Gear [1]

Fishing (E) Per [1]-14

Observation (A) Per [2]-14

Scrounging (E) Per [1]-14

Search (A) Per [2]-14

Survival (Swamp) (A) Per [2]-14

Tracking is now 19

Comfortably Numb 50 points

HT+2 [20], Unfazeable [15], Voice [10]

Drunken Fighting [1]

Singing (E) HT+2 [4]-16

Redneck (100 point template)

You've spent most of your life alone, the apocalypse doesn't really bother you that much.

Attributes: 120

ST 13 [30]

DX 13 [60]

IQ 11 [20]

HT 11 [10]

Secondary Characteristics: 10

Damage 1d/2d-1; BL 34 lbs.

HP 13 [0]; Will 11 [0]; Per 13 [10]; FP 11 [0]

Basic Speed 6 [0]; Basic Move 6 [0]

Advantages: 0

Disadvantage: -50

Weirdness Magnet [-15], Easy to Read [-10], Loner [-5] and -20 points chosen from among

Alcoholism [-15], Bad Temper [-10*], Bloodlust [-10], Callous [-5], Code of Honor [-5 to -15], Honesty [-10*], Impulsiveness [-10*], Intolerance [-5 to -10], Overconfidence [-5*], Sense of Duty (Horses) [-5], Shyness [-5, -10, or -20] and Truthfulness [-5].

Quirks: -5

Pick 5

Skills: 25

Two-Handed Axe/Mace (A) DX+1 [4]-14

Guns/TL8 (Rifle) (E) DX+1 [2]-14

Guns/TL8 (Shotgun) (E) DX [1]-13

Guns/TL8 (Pistol) (E) DX [1]-13

Fishing (E) Per [1]-13

Stealth (A) DX [2]-13

Survival (Woodlands) and Tracking, both (A) Per [2]-13

Riding (Horse) and Driving/TL8 (Auto), both (A) DX-1 [1]-12

First Aid/TL8; Computer Op and Area Knowledge (Home Town), all (E) IQ [1]-11

Swimming (E) HT [1]-11

Armory/TL8 (Small Arms) and Veterinary/TL8 (Horses), both (A) IQ [2]-11

Redneck Lenses

Frailty 50 points

Stalker 2 [10]

Weapon Master (Two-Handed Axe) [20]

add 16 more to 2H Axe/Mace

Camouflage (E) IQ [1]-13

Signature Gear [1], Weapon Bond [1]

One Way Fluency (understands Spanish) [1]

Jeremiah Johnson 50 points

Combat Reflexes [15], High Pain Threshold [10]

add 10 points to Rifle skill

Wrestling (A) DX+3 [12]-16

Knife (E) Wrestling [1]-16

Weapon Adaptation (Knife to Wrestling) [1]

One Way Fluency (understands Crow) [1]

Last of the Buffalo Hunters 50 points

Forest Guardian 3 [15]†

Animal Handling (Horse) (A) IQ-1 [1]-12

Camouflage (E) IQ+3 [1]-14

Fast-Draw (Arrow) (E) DX+3 [1]-16

Bow (A) DX+7 [16]-20

Horse Archery [9]-24

Technique Mastery (Horse Archery) [1]

Hands Free (Riding) [1]

Signature Gear (Bow, Horse, Saddle, Tack) [2]

Good with Horses [1]

One Way Fluency (understands Dakota) [1]

Hunter (100 point template)

Your dad taught you to shoot at 5, in the military your skills became reflex, muscle memory, you do without thinking. It also makes people who aren't necessarily smart seem smart by beating some tactical awareness into them

Attributes: 80

ST 10 [0]

DX 15 [100]

IQ 9 [-20]

HT 10 [0]

Secondary Characteristics: 0

Damage 1d-2/1d; BL 20 lbs.

HP 10 [0]; Will 9 [0]; Per 9 [0]; FP 10 [0]

Basic Speed 6.25 [0]; Basic Move 6 [0]

Advantages: 40

Combat Reflexes [15], Gunslinger [25]

Disadvantage: -50

Weirdness Magnet [-15] and -35 points chosen from among

Alcoholism [-15], Bad Temper [-10*], Bloodlust [-10*], Bully [-10*], Callous [-5], Code of Honor [-5 to -15], Compulsive Carousing [-5*], Flashbacks (Mild) [-5], Honesty [-10*], Impulsiveness [-10*], Intolerance [-5 to -10], Lecherousness [-15*], Overconfidence [-5*], Sense of Duty (Comrades) [-5], and Trademark (Simple) [-5].

Quirks: -5 (pick five)

Skills: 35

Guns/TL8 (Rifle) (E) DX+5 [16]-20

Guns/TL8 (Submachine Gun, Shotgun and Pistol), all (E) Default+1 [1]-19

Fast Draw (Magazine) (E) DX [1]-15

Brawling and Knife, both (E) DX [1]-15

Driving/TL8 (Automobile) (A) DX-1 [1]-14

Computer Operation and Area Knowledge (Home Town), both (E) IQ [1]-9

Swimming (E) HT [1]-10

Camouflage; First Aid/TL8; Savoir-Faire (Military), all (E) IQ [1]-9

Armory/TL8 (Small Arms); Navigation (Land); Soldier/TL8, all (A) IQ [2]-9

Climbing (A) DX-1 [1]-14

Hunter Lenses

Commando 50 points

High Pain Threshold [10], +2 to Per [10], Walking Armory [1]

Less Sleep 4 [8], Deep Sleeper [1], Quick Reload (Magazine) [1]

Standard Operating Procedure (Sleep with One Eye Open) [1]

Night Vision 7 [7]

Parachuting/TL8 (E) DX+1 [2]-16

Scrounging (E) Per+2 [1]-13

Stealth (A) DX+1 [4]-16

Survival (Woodlands) (A) Per+2 [2]-13

Tracking (A) Per+2 [2]-13

Sniper 50 points

Extraordinary Luck [30], Stalker 3 [15]

Weapon Bond [1], Signature Gear [1]

Stealth (A) DX+1 [1]-17†

add 1 more point to Camouflage† and Navigation (Land)†

† +3 from Stalker 3

Hand-to-Hand 50 points

Weapon Master (BroadSword) [20]

Judo (H) DX [4]-15, Karate (H) DX [4]-16, BroadSword (A) DX+2 [8]-17

Arm Lock (A) Judo+3 [3]-18, Choke Hold (H) Judo-1 [2]-14, Disarming (H) Karate+1 [2]-17, Elbow Strike (A) Karate [2]-15, Kicking (H) Karate [3]-15

Lawman (100 point template)

The weight of the world is on your shoulders, you're the only one left to help these poor bastards. Now that you truly are judge, jury and executioner what will you do?

Attributes: 120

ST 22 [120]

DX 10 [0]

IQ 10 [0]

HT 10 [0]

Secondary Characteristics: 0

Damage 2d/4d; BL 97 lbs.

HP 22 [0]; Will 10 [0]; Per 10 [0]; FP 10 [0]

Basic Speed 5 [0]; Basic Move 5 [0]

Advantages: 5

Power Grappling [1], Signature Gear [1], Weapon Bond [1], Special Exercises (ST) [2]

Disadvantages: -50

Weirdness Magnet [-15] and -35 points chosen from among

Alcoholism [-15], Bad Temper [-10*], Bloodlust [-10], Bully [-10], Callous [-5], Charitable [-15], Code of Honor [-5 to -15], Disturbing Voice [-10], Honesty [-10*], Impulsiveness [-10*], Intolerance [-5 to -10], No Sense of Humor [-10], On the Edge [-15], Overconfidence [-5*], Pacifism (Cannot Harm Innocents) [-10], Sense of Duty [-5 or -10] and Truthfulness [-5].

Quirks: -5

Pick 5

Skills: 30

Guns/TL8 (Pistol) (E) DX+1 [2]-11

Guns/TL8 (Shotgun) (E) DX [1]-10

Two Handed Axe/Mace, Wrestling, both (A) DX+2 [8]-12

Driving/TL8 (Auto) (A) DX-1 [1]-9

First Aid/TL8; Computer Op, Savoir-Faire (Cop), Area Knowledge (Home Town), all (E) IQ [1]-10

Armory/TL8 (Small Arms), Criminology/TL8, Streetwise, Law (US Criminal), all (A) IQ-1 [1]-9

Carousing, Swimming, both (E) HT [1]-10

Technique: 0

Neck Snap (H) ST-4 [0]-18

Lawman Lenses

Walking Tall 50 points

Weapon Master (Baseball Bat) [20]

add 24 points to Two-Handed Axe/Mace, raise skill to 18


Whirlwind Attack (H) Baseball Bat [6]-18

Don't Squeeze the Shaman 50 points

High Pain Threshold [10], Technique Mastery (Ground Fighting (Wrestling)) [1]

add 24 to Wrestling, raise skill to 18


Neck Snap (H) ST+3 [7]-25

Ground Fighting (H) Wrestling+3 [8]-21

Gun Fighter 50 points

Gunslinger [25], Ambidexterity [5]

Pistol Fist [1], Akimbo (Guns (Pistol)) [1]

add 18 points to Guns (Pistol), raise skill to 16

Shotgun default raises skill to 15

Doomed (100 point template)

You're smart and quiet, the world needs people like you, so odds are you're going to die, most likely horribly and needlessly.

Attributes: 90

ST 13 [30]

DX 12 [40]

IQ 11 [20]

HT 10 [0]

Secondary Characteristics: 0

Damage 1d/2d-1; BL 34 lbs.

HP 13 [0]; Will 11 [0]; Per 11 [0]; FP 10 [0]

Basic Speed 5.5 [0]; Basic Move 5 [0]

Advantages: 20

(Talent) Strangler 4 [20]

Disadvantages: -50

Weirdness Magnet [-15] and -35 points chosen from among

Alcoholism [-15], Bad Temper [-10*], Bully [-10*], Callous [-5], Code of Honor [-5 to -15], Compulsive Carousing [-5*], Flashbacks (Mild) [-5], Honesty [-10*], Impulsiveness [-10*], Intolerance [-5 to -10], Lecherousness [-15*], Overconfidence [-5*], Sense of Duty (Comrades) [-5], and Trademark (Simple) [-5].

Quirks: -5 (pick five)

Skills: 42

Guns/TL8 (Rifle) (E) DX+4 [12]-16

Guns/TL8 (Pistol) (E) Default+1 [1]-15

Knife (E) DX [1]-12

Brawling (E) DX+2 [4]-18†

Stealth (A) DX+1 [4]-17†

Tracking (A) Per+1 [4]-16†

Wrestling (A) DX+1 [4]-17†

† +4 from Strangler 4

Driving/TL8 (Automobile) (A) DX-1 [1]-11

Computer Operation and Area Knowledge (Home Town), both (E) IQ [1]-11

Swimming (E) HT [1]-10

Camouflage; First Aid/TL8; Savoir-Faire (Military), all (E) IQ [1]-11

Armory/TL8 (Small Arms); Navigation (Land); Soldier/TL8, all (A) IQ-1 [1]-10

Climbing and Spear, both (A) DX-1 [1]-11

Technique: 3

Choke Hold [3]

Doomed Lenses

Medic 50 points

Higher Purpose (“Medic!”) [5], Healer 1 [10]

Physician (H) IQ+7 [28]-18

Diagnosis/TL8 (H) (Default+2) [1]-16

Pharmacy/TL8 (Synthetic), Physiology/TL8, Veterinary/TL8, all (H) (Default+2) [1]-15

Surgery/TL8 (VH) (Default+2) [1]-15

Forensics/TL8 (H) IQ-1 [2]-10

First Aid is now 15

Military Intelligence 50 points

Born War-Leader 2 [10], Truth Seeker 2 [10], Empath 2 [10]

Body Language (H) Per+1 [2]-12

Detect Lies (H) Per+3 [2]-14

Intelligence Analysis (H) IQ+3 [2]-14

Interrogation (A) IQ+2 [2]-13

Leadership (A) IQ+2 [2]-13

Psychology (H) IQ+1 [2]-12

Strategy (H) IQ+1 [2]-12

Tactics (H) IQ+1 [2]-12

Savoir-Faire (Military) is now 13

and some random cool stuff

Weapon Adaptation (Knife to Brawling) [1], Weapon Bond [1], Signature Gear [1],

One-Task Wonder (Hotwiring Cars) [1]

Engineer 50 points

Artificer 3 [30]

Weapon Bond [1], Signature Gear [1], Walking Armory [1]

Carpentry (E) IQ+4 [1]-14

Electrician/TL8 (A) IQ+4 [2]-14

Electronics Repair/TL8 (Communications, Security, and Surveillance), all (A) IQ+4 [2]-14

Engineer/TL8 (Combat) (H) IQ+5 [8]-15

Engineer/TL8 (Automobile, Civil, Electrical, Small Arms), all (H) Default+1 [1]-13

Machinist/TL8 (A) IQ+4 [2]-14

Masonry (E) IQ+4 [1]-14

Mechanic/TL8 (Gasoline Engine) (A) IQ+4 [2]-14

add 1 to Armory (Small Arms) so its 14

Chef (100 point template)

You ran in the back door of a Chinese restaurant to hide and you never left. You can cook really well, other than that you're pretty much a complete douche-bag.

Attributes: 100

ST 10 [0]

DX 10 [0]

IQ 14 [80]

HT 12 [20]

Secondary Characteristics: -20

Damage 1d-2/1d; BL 20 lbs.

HP 10 [0]; Will 14 [0]; Per 10 [-20]; FP 12 [0]

Basic Speed 5.5 [0]; Basic Move 5 [0]

Advantages: 4

Technique Mastery (Kicking) [1], One Way Fluency (understands Chinese) [1], Weapon Adaptation (Knife to Karate) [1], Trademark Move [1]

Disadvantages: -30

Weirdness Magnet [-15], and -15 points chosen from among

Alcoholism [-15], Bad Temper [-10*], Bloodlust [-10*], Bully [-10*], Callous [-5], Code of Honor [-5], Compulsive Carousing [-5*], Compulsive Lying [-15], Greed [-15], Impulsiveness [-10*], Intolerance [-5 to -10], Kleptomania [-15], Lecherousness [-15*], Overconfidence [-5*], Sense of Duty (Comrades) [-5], Skinny [-5], Trademark (Simple) [-5], and Trickster [-15].

Quirks: -5

Pick 5

Skills: 44

Karate (DX/H)+6 [28]-16

Knife (DX/E) Karate [1]-16

Cooking, Explosives/TL8 (Demolition), both (IQ/A) [2]-14

Driving/TL8 (Auto) (DX/A)-1 [1]-9

First Aid/TL8; Computer Op, Area Knowledge (Home Town), Savoir-Faire (Triad), all (IQ/E) [1]-14

Electrician/TL8, Electronic Operation/TL8 (Security), Lockpicking/TL8, Streetwise, Mechanic/TL8 (gasoline engine), all (IQ/A)-1 [1]-13

Swimming (HT/E) [1]-12

Techniques: 7

Kicking (H) Karate [7]-20

Chef Lenses

Master Chef 50 points

Trained By A Master [30]

Sacrificial Parry (Karate) [1]

Pressure Points (H) IQ+1 [8]-15

Power Blow (H) Will+1 [8]-15


Pressure-Point Strike (H) Kicking [3]-20

Faster, Tougher and Stronger 50 points

ST+3 [30]

HT+2 [20]

Assassin 50 points

Combat Reflexes [15], High Pain Threshold [10]

Night Vision [7], Deep Sleeper [1]

Honest Face [1]

Stealth (A) DX+2 [8]-12

Poisons/TL8 and Tactics, both (H) IQ [4]-14

And now...


Soldier (150 point template)

You are very good at war.

Attributes: 60 points

ST 10 [0]

DX 10 [0]

IQ 11 [20]

HT 14 [40]

Secondary Characteristics: -10

Damage 1d-2/1d; BL 20 lbs.

HP 10 [0]; Will 9 [-10]; Per 11 [0]; FP 14 [0]

Basic Speed 6 [0]; Basic Move 6 [0]

Advantages: 61 points

Awesome 4 [60], Signature Gear [1]

Perks: 2

Quick Reload (Detachable Magazine) [1], Walking Armory [1]

Disadvantages: -40 points

Partial Amnesia [-10], Sense of Duty (Team) [-5],

Skinny [-5], Weirdness Magnet [-15] and

Pick one of the following

Overconfidence [-5], Incurious [-5], Intolerance [-5],

Trademark [-5] or Truthfulness [-5]

Skills: 71

Guns (Rifle) (DX/E)+10 [20]-20

Swimming (HT/E)+4 [1]-18

Guns (Light Machine Gun, Pistol, Shotgun and Submachine Gun), all (DX/E) Default+1 [1]-19

Guns (Grenade Launcher and LAW), both (DX/E) Default+1 [1]-17

Savoir-Faire (Military) (IQ/E)+4 [1]-15

Fishing and Scrounging, both (Per/E)+4 [1]-15

Brawling, Fast Draw (Magazine and Pistol) and Knife, all (DX/E)+4 [1]-14

Boxing, Drive (Car) and NBC Suit, Spear, Stealth, Wrestling, all (DX/A)+4 [2]-14

Gunner (Machine Gun), Parachuting, both (DX/E)+4 [1]-14

Survival (Arctic) and Tracking, both (Per/A)+3 [1]-14

Armory (Small Arms and TL0 Weapons), Electronics Operations (Com),

Explosives (Demo), Interrogation, Leadership, Navigation (Land),

Soldier, Scuba, Teaching and Traps, all (IQ/A)+3 [1]-14

Engineer (Combat), Hazardous Materials (Radioactive), Math (Applied),

Physician, Strategy (Land) and Tactics, all (IQ/H)+2 [1]-13

Surgery (IQ/VH)+1 [1]-12

Two More Skill:

•Pick One of

Piloting (Heavy Airplane or Helicopter) or Riding (Horse), all (DX/A)+4 [2]-14

•Pick One of

Farming or Mechanic (Any), both (IQ/A)+3 [1]-14

Technique: 6

Targeted Attack (Rifle/Eye) (H) [6]-16


d100 Reason Reason Reason

01-05 Brains Brains Brains

06-10 Brains Brains Brains

11-15 Brains Brains Brains

16-20 Brains Brains Brains

21-25 Brains Brains Brains

26-30 Brains Brains Brains

31-35 Brains Brains Brains

36-40 Brains Brains Brains

41-45 Brains Brains Brains

46-50 Brains Brains Brains

51-55 Brains Brains Brains

56-60 Brains Brains Brains

61-65 Brains Brains Brains

66-70 Brains Brains Brains

71-75 Brains Brains Brains

76-80 Brains Brains Brains

81-85 Brains Brains Brains

91-95 Brains Brains Brains

96-00 Brains Brains Brains