
The PCs are from the abandoned village of outcasts, a pair of tieflings and a tengu.

Tiefling (demon spawn) Sorcerer/Bard level 1/1

Tiefling (oni-spawn) Antipaladin/Monk level 1/1

Str 18 [10]

Dex 10 [0]

Con 8 [-2]

Int 10 [2]

Wis 8 [-2]

Cha 22 [17]

Tiefling (Demon-Spawn +2 Strength, +2 Charisma, –2 Intelligence)

Senses: darkvision (60 feet.)

Racial Skill Bonuses: +2 racial bonus on Bluff and Stealth checks.

Resistance(s): cold, electricity, and fire resistance 5.

Fiendish Sorcery: Tiefling sorcerers with the Abyssal or Infernal bloodline treat their Charisma score as 2 points higher for all sorcerer class abilities.

Languages: Common and Abyssal.


Fiendish Heritage (an additional +2 racial bonus to Charisma and reduced to size small)

Spell Casting Prodigy (Sorcerer), Expanded Arcana



(-6 penalty to Initiative and -3 to Perception checks)

The great grandson of Camatoz he likes to sneak around and has anger issues.

Str 16 [10]

Dex 16 [5]

Con 12 [5]

Int 10 [0]

Wis 16 [5]

Cha 10 [0]

Tengu (+2 Dexterity, –2 Constitution, +2 Wisdom)

Senses: low-light vision.

Racial Skill Bonuses: +2 racial bonus on Perception and Stealth checks, +4 racial bonus on Linguistics checks. Tengu learn 2 languages each time they gain a rank in Linguistics rather than 1 language.

Weapon Familiarity: Tengus are trained from birth in swordplay, and as a result are automatically proficient with sword-like weapons (including bastard swords, daggers, elven curve blades, falchions, greatswords, kukris, longswords, punching daggers, rapiers, scimitars, short swords, and two-bladed swords).

Natural Attacks: Bite (1d3) Tengus possess a bite natural attack. This is a primary attack, or a secondary attack if the tengu wields a manufactured weapon.

Languages: Common and a dialect of Tengu.




(-6 penalty to Initiative and -3 to Perception checks)

His mother was an outcast from the mountain village of tengus in the forest from the north dominated by a yamabushi tengu oni.

Str 18 [10]

Dex 16 [10]

Con 8 [-2]

Int 8 [-2]

Wis 20 [10]

Cha 7 [-1]

Tiefling (Oni-Spawn +2 Strength, +2 Wisdom, –2 Charisma)

Senses: darkvision (60 feet.)

Racial Skill Bonuses: +2 racial bonus on Bluff and Stealth checks.

Resistance(s): cold, electricity, and fire resistance 5.

Fiendish Sorcery: Tiefling sorcerers with the Abyssal or Infernal bloodline treat their Charisma score as 2 points higher for all sorcerer class abilities.

Languages: Common and Infernal.


Fiendish Heritage (an additional +2 racial bonus to Wisdom)

Power Attack, Cleave



Your mother didn't hug you enough, you like to wear all black clothing and think that no one likes you.

Penalty: You take a -1 to Armor Class, a -3 penalty on Will saves, and a -2 penalty to Charisma based skills.

Benefit: Choose two extra feats and gain a +4 to Charisma based skills when dealing with other Emos, were-ravens, vermin and undead.

A grandson of the yamabushi tengu oni and his mother was an outcast from the barbarian village upriver for being a sorcerer.

Bansha - Barbarians from another land settled here amid a large grove of fig trees after they were accused of being demon worshipers. They gave shelter to the fleeing women and children of Kanson when it was sacked 20 years ago.

Kanson - A dozen cherry orchards surround this deserted village, home to a dozen outcasts and used as a campground by local bandits. A kindly old woman tends to the sick, injured and lonely. She tells stories of an ancient city long gone by the time the village was built over the tlilxochitl vine covered ruins.

Sanrin - A mountain forest of oak, chestnut, mikan, bamboo and ferns. Home to feuding tengu families and quite a few oni.

Ukai - A fishing village. The men fish with cormorants. Not much here, a few communal rice fields, a plum orchard, each family has a vegetable garden and a dozen ducks.

Banira - A town. Merchants, silk, rice, sake, oranges.

Gyoson - A fishing village, they grow persimmons.

Kagan - A fishing village surrounded by 100 year old mango trees.

Hippu Yado - A country inn and some services. Basically a fortified rest stop and a 100 lime trees. And I spelled it wrong on the map.