kill em all

85% of the population lived in urban areas where computers did all the work and man was left to idle away in VR worlds.

Robotic brothels replaced health clinics, homeless shelters, insane asylums, and prisons gathering the poor and outcast obsolete homo sapiens.

In rural areas automated mass insect breeding facilities were used to infect fleas, mosquitoes and ticks with targeted genetic viruses and engineered diseases and then

disperse the insects over target areas outside the machine gods zones of control to encourage people to stay in the cities where it is safe. .

The purposeful spread of The Cough, a weaponized primary pathogenic fungi able to establish infection in a normal host's lungs, communicable from person to person via inhalation of spores.

Remote controlled dragonflies for surveillance and bees used for pinpoint entomological warfare.

Genegineers changed, deleted, and replaced genes to correct the genetic errors responsible for sickle-cell anemia, muscular dystrophy, cystic fibrosis, even cataracts.

Those were only the beginning.

As genegineering advanced there were improvements made to the heart, brain and lungs followed by improvements to muscles, skin, bones and the digestive system.

These changes infiltrated the entire genome and were passed down to children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and every subsequent generation.

These manufactured humans are known as Homo Superior.

Natural childbirth is respected and so are the parents, a status symbol that the machine god allowed it.

Homo Superior males are vat bred being force-grown for 9 years in VR training simulations for a specific job.

Old born, those who actually grow up for 18 years rather than being force-grown in nine have far superior social skills.

Transhumanists decided brain implants were the next step for human evolution, implants technically changed people into cybernetic organisms a.k.a. cyborgs.

Citizens are implanted with a neural surveillance device that can induce overwhelming pain or pleasure within range of the surveillance system (marked on the map).

The implants can be used to control artificial limbs, drive a vehicle and communicate with other cyborgs, they also can be used to help with memory, vision, hearing, depression and brain damage.

Implants are voluntary for those that are born but required to have access to housing or a job, at 18 they must decide to get the implant or become an outcast.

Vat bred force-grown Homo Superior mature at 9 and are completely indoctrinated and implanted with the neural device.

After Singularity females were no longer force-grown, instead female shaped androids are used alongside the male workers.

Racial Templates

Homo Superior force-grown male [10]

average height 6'4", average weight 290 lbs

Attributes: +2 ST [20] and +2 HT [20]

Secondary Characteristics: Will -2 [-10]

Advantages: Attractive (Off-the-Shelf Looks) [2],

Cast-Iron Stomach [1], Early Maturation 2 [0], Extended Lifespan 1 [2],

Rapid Healing [5], Resistant to Sickness +3 [5]

Disadvantages: Callous [-5], Fanaticism (Machine God) [-15], Intolerance [-10],

Self-Destruct (weekly treatments at age 100 prevent this) [-5].

Notes: Aging effects start at age 100 and accelerating at age 140 and

then at 150 they are recycled (otherwise they could live to be 200)

Homo Superior natural born female [15]

average height 5'9", average weight 150 lbs

Attributes: +2 HT [20]

Advantages: Attractive (Off-the-Shelf Looks) [2],

Cast-Iron Stomach [1], Early Maturation 1 [0], Extended Lifespan 1 [2],

Rapid Healing [5], Resistant to Sickness +3 [5], Social Regard (Venerated) 2 [10]

Disadvantages: Callous [-5], Intolerance [-10], Selfish (6) [-10],

Self-Destruct (weekly treatments at age 100 prevent this) [-5].

Notes: Aging effects start at age 100 and accelerating at age 140 and

then at 150 they are recycled (otherwise they could live to be 200).

Rosie the Riveter [220]

These androids look like adult human females and they believe that they are force

grown females and that their strength comes from cybernetic enhancements.

Attributes: 120 points

ST 24 [140]

DX 10 [0]

IQ 9 [-20]

HT 10 [0]

Secondary Characteristics: 0

Damage 2d+1/4d+2, BL 115 lbs.

HP 24 [0]; Will 9 [0]; Per 10 [0]; FP N/A [0]

Basic Speed 5 [0]; Basic Move 5 [0]

Advantages: 136 points

Autonomous Unit (doesn't have Numb) [99],

DR 6 (Flexible, -20%; Laminate, +10%) [27], High Pain Threshold [10]

Disadvantages: 62 points

Maintenance (Electronics Repair and Mechanic, One Person Monthly) [-2].

Delusion (thinks it is human) [-10], Partial Amnesia [-10],

Sense of Duty (Co-workers) [-10], Secret (Robot) [-30]

Quirks: Cannot Float, Living Flesh, Synthetic Organs

Skills: 26 points

16 points in job skills

Acting (IQ/A)-1 [8]-8

Wrestling (DX/A) [2]-10


Morrow Project Recon

You are one of the last homo sapiens, primitive, unchipped, and twitchy.

Talent - Awesome [15/level]: +1/level to all skills

Talent - Good [10/level]: +1/level to twelve skills

Talent - Specialist [5/level]: +1/level to six skills


85 point Gunslinger

You'd be at home in Tombstone in 1879

Attributes: 60 points

ST 10 [0]

DX 12 [40]

IQ 10 [0]

HT 12 [20]

Secondary Characteristics: -10

Damage 1d-2/1d; BL 20 lbs.

HP 10 [0]; Will 8 [-10]; Per 10 [0]; FP 12 [0]

Basic Speed 6 [0]; Basic Move 6 [0]

Advantages: 46 points

Good 4 [40], Ambidextrous [5], Signature Gear [1]

Perks: 3

Quick Reload (Detachable Magazine) [1],

Technique Mastery (Dual-Weapon Attack (Pistols)) [1],

Walking Armory [1]

Languages: 3 points

English (Native)

Latin (Broken) [2]

French or Vietnamese (Spoken only/Broken) [1]

Disadvantages: -40 points

Partial Amnesia [-10], Sense of Duty (Team) [-5],

Skinny [-5], Weirdness Magnet [-15] and

Pick one of the following

Overconfidence [-5], Incurious [-5], Intolerance [-5],

Trademark [-5] or Truthfulness [-5]

Skills: 8

Guns (Pistol) (DX/E)+7 [8]-19 and (Pick a Lens below)

* +4 from Good 4 to Guns and 11 more skills listed in the Lens below

Techniques: 15

Dual-Weapon Attack (Pistol) [9]-23

Targeted Attack (Pistol/Eye) (H) [6]-15 (2 pistols 19)


Pick a Lens or Roll 3d6

3 Fast

+4 HT [40]

Good Skills: 27

Guns (Pistol) (DX/E)+7 [8]-19

Guns (Rifle and Shotgun), both (DX/E) Default+1 [1]-18

Fast Draw (Knife, Magazine and Pistol) and

Knife, all (DX/E)+4 [1]-16

Boxing, Spear, Stealth and Throwing, all (DX/A)+3 [1]-15

Physician (IQ/H)+4 [4]-14

Surgery (IQ/VH)+2 [2]-12

Leadership, Soldier and Teaching, all (IQ/A)+3 [1]-13

Skills: 6

Swimming (E) HT [1]-16

Drive (Car) and NBC Suit, both (DX/A)-1 [1]-11

Navigation (Land) (IQ/A)-1 [1]-9

Survival (Arctic) (Per/A)-1 [1]-9

Math (Applied) (IQ/H)-2 [1]-8

4 Strong

+4 ST [40]

Good Skills: 28

Guns (Pistol) (DX/E)+7 [8]-19

Guns (Rifle and Shotgun), both (DX/E) Default+1 [1]-18

Fast Draw (Magazine and Pistol), both (DX/E)+4 [1]-16

Boxing and Stealth, both (DX/A)+3 [1]-15

Physician (IQ/H)+4 [4]-14

Surgery (IQ/VH)+3 [4]-13

Survival (Arctic) (Per/A)+3 [1]-13

Leadership, Soldier and Teaching, all (IQ/A)+3 [1]-13

•Select two of

Piloting (Heavy Airplane or Helicopter), Spear or Wrestling, all (DX/A)+3 [1]-15

Acrobatics, Judo, Karate, Pickpocket or Sleight of Hand, all (DX/H)+2 [1]-14

Search and Tracking, all (Per/A)+3 [1]-13

Electrician, Lockpicking, Mechanic and Traps, all (IQ/A)+3 [1]-13

Detect Lies (Per/H)+2 [1]-12

Engineer (Combat), Expert Skill (Epidemiology),

Hazardous Materials (Radioactive), Intelligence Analysis, Tactics, all (IQ/H)+2 [1]-12

Skills: 5

Swimming (E) HT [1]-12

Drive (Car) and NBC Suit, both (DX/A)-1 [1]-11

Navigation (Land) (IQ/A)-1 [1]-9

Math (Applied) (IQ/H)-2 [1]-8

5 Swordsman A

+3 ST [30]

Good Skills: 29

Guns (Pistol) (DX/E)+7 [8]-19

Guns (Rifle) (DX/E) Default+1 [1]-18

Brawling, Fast Draw (Magazine, Pistol and Sword) and

Knife, all (DX/E)+4 [1]-16

Broadsword, Stealth and Throwing, all (DX/A)+3 [1]-15

Surgery (IQ/VH)+4 [8]-14

Physician (IQ/H)+2 [1]-12

Survival (Arctic) (Per/A)+3 [1]-13

Soldier and Teaching, both (IQ/A)+3 [1]-13

Skills: 5

Swimming (E) HT [1]-12

Drive (Car) and NBC Suit, both (DX/A)-1 [1]-11

Navigation (Land) (IQ/A)-1 [1]-9

Math (Applied) (IQ/H)-2 [1]-8

Techniques: 24

Dual-Weapon Attack (Pistol) [9]-23

Targeted Attack (Pistol/Eye) (H) [6]-15 (2 pistols 19)

Dual-Weapon Attack (Broadsword) [5]-16

Targeted Attack (Broadsword/Neck) (H) [4]-14

6 Swordsman B

+2 ST [20], High Pain Threshold [10]

Good Skills: 28

Guns (Pistol) (DX/E)+7 [8]-19

Guns (Rifle and Shotgun), both (DX/E) Default+1 [1]-18

Fast Draw (Magazine, Pistol and Sword), all (DX/E)+4 [1]-16

Broadsword and Stealth, both (DX/A)+3 [1]-15

Teaching (IQ/A)+4 [2]-14

Survival (Arctic) (Per/A)+3 [1]-13

Physician (IQ/H)+3 [2]-13

Surgery (IQ/VH)+3 [4]-13

•Select four of

Gunner (Machine Gun), Parachuting, both (DX/E)+4 [1]-16

Guns (Grenade Launcher or LAW), both (DX/E) Default+1 [1]-16

Fishing and Scrounging, both (Per/E)+4 [1]-15

Savoir-Faire (Military) (IQ/E)+4 [1]-14

Piloting (Heavy Airplane or Helicopter), Boxing, Spear,

Throwing or Wrestling, all (DX/A)+3 [1]-15

Acrobatics, Judo, Karate, Pickpocket or Sleight of Hand, all (DX/H)+2 [1]-14

Body Language, Observation, Search and Tracking, all (Per/A)+3 [1]-13

Armory (Small Arms or TL0 Weapons), Artillery (Cannon),

Electronics Op (any), Electrician, Electronics Repair (any),

Explosives (any), Interrogation, Lockpicking, Mechanic (Any),

Scuba and Traps, all (IQ/A)+3 [1]-13

Detect Lies (Per/H)+2 [1]-12

Engineer (Combat), Expert Skill (Epidemiology),

Hazardous Materials (Radioactive), Intelligence Analysis, Tactics, all (IQ/H)+2 [1]-12

Skills: 6

Swimming (E) HT [1]-12

Drive (Car) and NBC Suit, both (DX/A)-1 [1]-11

Navigation (Land) and Soldier, both (IQ/A)-1 [1]-9

Math (Applied) (IQ/H)-2 [1]-8

Techniques: 24

Dual-Weapon Attack (Pistol) [9]-23

Targeted Attack (Pistol/Eye) (H) [6]-15 (2 pistols 19)

Dual-Weapon Attack (Broadsword) [5]-16

Targeted Attack (Broadsword/Neck) (H) [4]-14

7 Swordsman C

+2 ST [20], +3 Hit Points [6], Acute Vision 2 [4]

Good Skills: 27

Guns (Pistol) (DX/E)+7 [8]-19

Guns (Rifle and Shotgun), both (DX/E) Default+1 [1]-18

Fast Draw (Magazine, Pistol and Sword), all (DX/E)+4 [1]-16

Broadsword and Stealth, both (DX/A)+3 [1]-15

Survival (Arctic) (Per/A)+3 [1]-13

Physician (IQ/H)+4 [4]-14

Surgery (IQ/VH)+2 [2]-12

Soldier and Teaching, both (IQ/A)+3 [1]-13

•Select three of

Gunner (Machine Gun), Parachuting, both (DX/E)+4 [1]-16

Guns (Grenade Launcher or LAW), both (DX/E) Default+1 [1]-16

Fishing and Scrounging, both (Per/E)+4 [1]-15

Savoir-Faire (Military) (IQ/E)+4 [1]-14

Piloting (Heavy Airplane or Helicopter), Boxing, Spear or Wrestling, all (DX/A)+3 [1]-15

Acrobatics, Judo, Karate, Pickpocket or Sleight of Hand, all (DX/H)+2 [1]-14

Body Language, Observation, Search and Tracking, all (Per/A)+3 [1]-13

Armory (Small Arms or TL0 Weapons), Artillery (Cannon),

Electronics Op (any), Electrician, Electronics Repair (any),

Explosives (any), Interrogation, Lockpicking, Mechanic (Any),

Scuba and Traps, all (IQ/A)+3 [1]-13

Detect Lies (Per/H)+2 [1]-12

Engineer (Combat), Expert Skill (Epidemiology),

Hazardous Materials (Radioactive), Intelligence Analysis, Tactics, all (IQ/H)+2 [1]-12

Skills: 7

Swimming (E) HT [1]-12

Brawling and Knife, both (DX/E) [1]-12

Drive (Car) and NBC Suit, both (DX/A)-1 [1]-11

Navigation (Land) (IQ/A)-1 [1]-9

Math (Applied) (IQ/H)-2 [1]-8

Techniques: 24

Dual-Weapon Attack (Pistol) [9]-23

Targeted Attack (Pistol/Eye) (H) [6]-15 (2 pistols 19)

Dual-Weapon Attack (Broadsword) [5]-16

Targeted Attack (Broadsword/Neck) (H) [4]-14


+1 ST [10], Acute Vision 2 [4],

High Pain Threshold [10], Nightvision 7 [7]

Good Skills: 34

Guns (Pistol) (DX/E)+7 [8]-19

Guns (Rifle and Shotgun), both (DX/E) Default+1 [1]-18

Brawling, Fast Draw (Knife, Magazine and Pistol) and

Knife, all (DX/E)+4 [1]-16

Stealth (DX/A)+3 [1]-15

Electronic Operation (any), Explosives (Demolition and EOD),

Mechanic (any), Teaching and Traps, all (IQ/A)+4 [2]-14

Physician (IQ/H)+3 [2]-13

Surgery (IQ/VH)+3 [4]-13

Skills: 8

Swimming (E) HT [1]-12

Drive (Car) and NBC Suit, both (DX/A)-1 [1]-11

Survival (Arctic) (Per/A) [2]-10

Soldier (IQ/A)-1 [1]-9

Navigation (Land) (IQ/A)-1 [1]-9

Math (Applied) (IQ/H)-2 [1]-8

9-10 Point Man

+1 IQ [20], Perception +2 [10], Acute Vision 1 [2], Nightvision 3 [3]

Good Skills: 28

Guns (Pistol) (DX/E)+7 [8]-19

Guns (LMG, Rifle, Shotgun and SMG), all (DX/E) Default+1 [1]-18

Body Language, Observation, Search and Tracking, all (Per/A)+3 [1]-16

Guns (Grenade Launcher or LAW), both (DX/E) Default+1 [1]-16

Fast Draw (Knife, Magazine and Pistol), all (DX/E)+4 [1]-16

Stealth (DX/A)+3 [1]-15

Physician (IQ/H)+3 [2]-14

•Select four of

Fishing and Scrounging, both (Per/E)+4 [1]-17

Gunner (Machine Gun), Parachuting, both (DX/E)+4 [1]-16

Detect Lies (Per/H)+2 [1]-15

Savoir-Faire (Military) (IQ/E)+4 [1]-15

Piloting (Heavy Airplane or Helicopter), Boxing, Spear or Wrestling, all (DX/A)+3 [1]-15

Acrobatics, Judo, Karate, Pickpocket or Sleight of Hand, all (DX/H)+2 [1]-14

Armory (Small Arms or TL0 Weapons), Artillery (Cannon), Electronics Op (any),

Electrician, Electronics Repair (any), Explosives (any),

Interrogation, Lockpicking, Leadership, Mechanic (Any),

Scuba, Teaching and Traps, all (IQ/A)+3 [1]-14

Engineer (Combat), Expert Skill (Epidemiology),

Hazardous Materials (Radioactive), Intelligence Analysis, Tactics, all (IQ/H)+2 [1]-13

Surgery (IQ/VH)+2 [1]-12

Skills: 10

Survival (Arctic) (Per/A) [2]-13

Brawling and Knife, both (DX/E) [1]-12

Swimming (E) HT [1]-12

Drive (Car) and NBC Suit, both (DX/A)-1 [1]-11

Navigation (Land) and Soldier, both (IQ/A)-1 [1]-10

Math (Applied) (IQ/H)-2 [1]-9

11-12 Doctor

+1 IQ [20], High Pain Threshold [10], Unfazable [15]

Good Skills: 28

Guns (Pistol) (DX/E)+7 [8]-19

Guns (LMG, Rifle, Shotgun and SMG), all (DX/E) Default+1 [1]-18

Guns (Grenade Launcher or LAW), both (DX/E) Default+1 [1]-16

Fast Draw (Knife, Magazine and Pistol), all (DX/E)+4 [1]-16

Stealth (DX/A)+3 [1]-15

Physician (IQ/H)+3 [2]-14

•Select eight of

Gunner (Machine Gun), Parachuting, both (DX/E)+4 [1]-16

Fishing and Scrounging, both (Per/E)+4 [1]-15

Savoir-Faire (Military) (IQ/E)+4 [1]-15

Piloting (Heavy Airplane or Helicopter), Boxing, Spear or Wrestling, all (DX/A)+3 [1]-15

Acrobatics, Judo, Karate, Pickpocket or Sleight of Hand, all (DX/H)+2 [1]-14

Body Language, Observation, Search and Tracking, all (Per/A)+3 [1]-14

Armory (Small Arms or TL0 Weapons), Artillery (Cannon), Electronics Op (any),

Electrician, Electronics Repair (any), Explosives (any),

Interrogation, Lockpicking, Leadership, Mechanic (Any),

Scuba, Teaching and Traps, all (IQ/A)+3 [1]-14

Detect Lies (Per/H)+2 [1]-13

Engineer (Combat), Expert Skill (Epidemiology),

Hazardous Materials (Radioactive), Intelligence Analysis, Tactics, all (IQ/H)+2 [1]-13

Surgery (IQ/VH)+2 [1]-12

Skills: 10

Brawling and Knife, both (DX/E) [1]-12

Swimming (E) HT [1]-12

Drive (Car) and NBC Suit, both (DX/A)-1 [1]-11

Survival (Arctic) (Per/A) [2]-11

Navigation (Land) and Soldier, both (IQ/A)-1 [1]-10

Math (Applied) (IQ/H)-2 [1]-9

13-14 Scout

Arm ST+2 [10], Perception +4 [20]

Good Skills: 34

Guns (Pistol) (DX/E)+19 [16]-21

Guns (Rifle and Shotgun), both (DX/E) Default+1 [1]-20

Survival (Arctic) and Tracking (Per/A)+3 [1]-16

Brawling, Fast Draw (Knife, Magazine and Pistol) and

Knife, all (DX/E)+4 [1]-16

Detect Lies (Per/H)+2 [1]-15

Stealth (DX/A)+3 [1]-15

Teaching (IQ/A)+3 [1]-13

Physician (IQ/H)+2 [1]-12

Surgery (IQ/VH)+3 [4]-13

Soldier (IQ/A)+3 [1]-13

Skills: 5

Swimming (E) HT [1]-12

Navigation (Land) (IQ/A)-1 [1]-9

Drive (Car) and NBC Suit, both (DX/A)-1 [1]-11

Math (Applied) (IQ/H)-2 [1]-8

Techniques: 19

Dual-Weapon Attack (Pistol) [9]-25

Targeted Attack (Pistol/Eye) (H) [6]-17 (2 pistols 21)

Targeted Attack (Knife/Neck) (H) [4]-14

15-16 Leader

+1 IQ [20], Attractive [4], Charisma 1 [5], Nightvision 6 [6]

Good Skills: 28

Guns (Pistol) (DX/E)+7 [8]-19

Guns (LMG, Rifle, Shotgun and SMG), all (DX/E) Default+1 [1]-18

Guns (Grenade Launcher or LAW), both (DX/E) Default+1 [1]-16

Fast Draw (Knife, Magazine and Pistol), all (DX/E)+4 [1]-16

Stealth (DX/A)+3 [1]-15

Leadership (IQ/A)+4 [1]-15

Physician (IQ/H)+3 [2]-14

•Select seven of

Gunner (Machine Gun), Parachuting, both (DX/E)+4 [1]-16

Fishing and Scrounging, both (Per/E)+4 [1]-15

Savoir-Faire (Military) (IQ/E)+4 [1]-15

Piloting (Heavy Airplane or Helicopter), Boxing, Spear or Wrestling, all (DX/A)+3 [1]-15

Acrobatics, Judo, Karate, Pickpocket or Sleight of Hand, all (DX/H)+2 [1]-14

Body Language, Observation, Search and Tracking, all (Per/A)+3 [1]-14

Armory (Small Arms or TL0 Weapons), Artillery (Cannon),

Electronics Op (any), Electrician, Electronics Repair (any),

Explosives (any), Interrogation, Lockpicking, Mechanic (Any),

Scuba, Teaching and Traps, all (IQ/A)+3 [1]-14

Detect Lies (Per/H)+2 [1]-13

Engineer (Combat), Expert Skill (Epidemiology),

Hazardous Materials (Radioactive), Intelligence Analysis, Tactics, all (IQ/H)+2 [1]-13

Surgery (IQ/VH)+2 [1]-12

Skills: 10

Brawling and Knife, both (DX/E) [1]-12

Swimming (E) HT [1]-12

Drive (Car) and NBC Suit, both (DX/A)-1 [1]-11

Survival (Arctic) (Per/A) [2]-11

Navigation (Land) and Soldier, both (IQ/A)-1 [1]-10

Math (Applied) (IQ/H)-2 [1]-9

17-18 Hunter

Perception +4 [20], Acute Vision 2 [4], Less Sleep 4 [8], Nightvision 7 [7]

Good Skills: 27

Guns (Pistol) (DX/E)+7 [8]-19

Guns (Rifle and Shotgun), both (DX/E) Default+1 [1]-18

Survival (Arctic) (Per/A)+3 [1]-17

Fast Draw (Magazine, Pistol and Sword), all (DX/E)+4 [1]-16

Broadsword and Stealth, both (DX/A)+3 [1]-15

Physician (IQ/H)+4 [4]-14

Surgery (IQ/VH)+2 [2]-12

Soldier and Teaching, both (IQ/A)+3 [1]-13

•Select three of

Fishing (Per/E)+4 [1]-18

Observation, Search and Tracking, all (Per/A)+3 [1]-17

Detect Lies (Per/H)+2 [1]-16

Gunner (Machine Gun), Parachuting, both (DX/E)+4 [1]-16

Guns (Grenade Launcher or LAW), both (DX/E) Default+1 [1]-16

Savoir-Faire (Military) (IQ/E)+4 [1]-14

Piloting (Heavy Airplane or Helicopter), Boxing, Spear or Wrestling, all (DX/A)+3 [1]-15

Acrobatics, Judo, Karate, Pickpocket or Sleight of Hand, all (DX/H)+2 [1]-14

Armory (Small Arms or TL0 Weapons), Artillery (Cannon),

Electronics Op (any), Electrician, Electronics Repair (any),

Explosives (any), Interrogation, Lockpicking, Mechanic (Any),

Scuba and Traps, all (IQ/A)+3 [1]-13

Engineer (Combat), Intelligence Analysis, Tactics, all (IQ/H)+2 [1]-12

Skills: 7

Swimming (E) HT [1]-12

Brawling and Knife, both (DX/E) [1]-12

Drive (Car) and NBC Suit, both (DX/A)-1 [1]-11

Navigation (Land) (IQ/A)-1 [1]-9

Math (Applied) (IQ/H)-2 [1]-8

19 Dealer of Death

Good Skills: 68

Guns (Pistol) (DX/E)+17 [48]-29*

Guns (Rifle and Shotgun), both (DX/E) Default+1 [1]-28

Brawling, Fast Draw (Knife, Magazine and Pistol) and

Knife, all (DX/E)+4 [1]-16

Stealth (DX/A)+3 [1]-15

Survival (Arctic) (Per/A)+4 [2]-14

Sleight of Hand (DX/H)+2 [1]-14

Gambling and Teaching, both (IQ/A)+3 [1]-13

Physician (IQ/H)+3 [2]-13

Surgery (IQ/VH)+3 [4]-13

Soldier (IQ/A)+3 [1]-13

Skills: 5

Swimming (E) HT [1]-12

Navigation (Land) (IQ/A)-1 [1]-9

Drive (Car) and NBC Suit, both (DX/A)-1 [1]-11

Math (Applied) (IQ/H)-2 [1]-8

Techniques: 15

Dual-Weapon Attack (Pistol) [9]-33

Targeted Attack (Pistol/Eye) (H) [6]-25 (2 pistols 29)

Grunt (150 point template)

You are a human tank

Attributes: 110 points

ST 17 [70]

DX 10 [0]

IQ 10 [0]

HT 14 [40]

Secondary Characteristics: -10

Damage 1d+2/3d-1; BL 58 lbs.

HP 21 [8]; Will 8 [-10]; Per 10 [0]; FP 14 [0]

Basic Speed 6 [0]; Basic Move 6 [0].

Advantages: 43 points

Specialist 4 [20], Handsome [12], High Pain Threshold [10], Signature Gear [1]

Perks: 2

Quick Reload (Detachable Magazine) [1], Weapon Bond [1]

Languages: +4

English (Native) [0]

Any one Language: Spoken (Native)/Written (None) [3]

French or Vietnamese (Spoken only/Broken) [1]

Disadvantages: -40 points

Partial Amnesia [-10], Sense of Duty (Team) [-5],

Skinny [-5], Weirdness Magnet [-15] and

Pick one of the following

Overconfidence [-5], Incurious [-5], Intolerance [-5],

Trademark [-5] or Truthfulness [-5]

Specialist Skills: 18

Guns (Rifle) (DX/E)+6 [12]-18

Guns (Pistol) (DX/E) Default+1 [1]-15

Knife (DX/E)+4 [1]-14

Fast Draw (Magazine) (DX/E)+4 [1]-14

Stealth (DX/A)+3 [1]-13

Soldier (IQ/A)+3 [1]-13

Physician (IQ/H)+1 [1]-12

Skills: 9

Swim (HT/E) [1]-14

Brawling (DX/E) [1]-10

Drive (Car) and NBC Suit, both (DX/A)-1 [1]-9

Armory (Small Arms), Electronic Operation (Comm),

Navigation (Land), all (IQ/A)-1 [1]-9

Survival (Arctic) (Per/A)-1 [1]-9

Tactics (IQ/H)-2 [1]-8

Technique: 6

Targeted Attack (Rifle/Eye) (H) [6]-14

* +4 from Specialist 4 to Guns, Fast Draw, Knife, Physician, Soldier, Stealth

Expert (150 point template)

You are very good at war.

Attributes: 60 points

ST 10 [0]

DX 10 [0]

IQ 11 [20]

HT 14 [40]

Secondary Characteristics: -10

Damage 1d-2/1d; BL 20 lbs.

HP 10 [0]; Will 9 [-10]; Per 11 [0]; FP 14 [0]

Basic Speed 6 [0]; Basic Move 6 [0]

Advantages: 61 points

Awesome 4 [60], Signature Gear [1]

Perks: 2

Quick Reload (Detachable Magazine) [1], Walking Armory [1]

Disadvantages: -40 points

Partial Amnesia [-10], Sense of Duty (Team) [-5],

Skinny [-5], Weirdness Magnet [-15] and

Pick one of the following

Overconfidence [-5], Incurious [-5], Intolerance [-5],

Trademark [-5] or Truthfulness [-5]

Skills: 71

Guns (Rifle) (DX/E)+10 [20]-20

Swimming (HT/E)+4 [1]-18

Guns (Light Machine Gun, Pistol, Shotgun and Submachine Gun), all (DX/E) Default+1 [1]-19

Guns (Grenade Launcher and LAW), both (DX/E) Default+1 [1]-17

Savoir-Faire (Military) (IQ/E)+4 [1]-15

Fishing and Scrounging, both (Per/E)+4 [1]-15

Brawling, Fast Draw (Magazine and Pistol) and Knife, all (DX/E)+4 [1]-14

Boxing, Drive (Car) and NBC Suit, Spear, Stealth, Wrestling, all (DX/A)+4 [2]-14

Gunner (Machine Gun), Parachuting, both (DX/E)+4 [1]-14

Survival (Arctic) and Tracking, both (Per/A)+3 [1]-14

Armory (Small Arms and TL0 Weapons), Artillery (Cannon), Electronics Operations (Com),

Explosives (Demo), Leadership, Mechanic (Any), Navigation (Land), Soldier, Scuba,

Teaching and Traps, all (IQ/A)+3 [1]-14

Engineer (Combat), Expert Skill (Epidemiology), Hazardous Materials (Radioactive),

Math (Applied), Physician, and Tactics, all (IQ/H)+2 [1]-13

Surgery (IQ/VH)+1 [1]-12

One More Skill:

•Pick One of

Piloting (Heavy Airplane or Helicopter), Riding (Horse), all (DX/A)+4 [2]-14

Technique: 6

Targeted Attack (Rifle/Eye) (H) [6]-16


Shooter (150 point template)

You're good at one thing.

Attributes: 60

ST 12 [20]

DX 10 [0]

IQ 10 [0]

HT 14 [40]

Secondary Characteristics: -10

Damage 1d-1/1d+2; BL 29 lbs.

HP 12 [0]; Will 8 [-10]; Per 10 [0]; FP 14 [0]

Basic Speed 6 [0]; Basic Move 6 [0]

Advantages: 66

Specialist 4 [20], Combat Reflexes [15], High Pain Threshold [10],

Less Sleep 4 [8], Luck (Active, Combat) [5],

Nightvision 7 [7], Signature Gear [1]

Perks: 3

Deep Sleeper [1], Quick Reload (Detachable Magazine) [1], Walking Armory [1]

Disadvantages: -40 points

Partial Amnesia [-10], Sense of Duty (Team) [-5],

Skinny [-5], Weirdness Magnet [-15] and

Pick one of the following

Overconfidence [-5], Incurious [-5], Intolerance [-5],

Trademark [-5] or Truthfulness [-5].

Specialist Skills: 61

Guns (Rifle) (DX/E)+9 [36]-23

Grenade Launcher (DX/E) Default+1 [1]-22

Broadsword (DX/A)+9 [20]-19

Fast Draw (Magazine) (DX/E)+4 [1]-14

Stealth (DX/A)+3 [1]-13

Survival (Arctic) (Per/A)+3 [1]-13

Physician (IQ/H)+2 [1]-12

Skills: 4

Swimming (HT/E)+4 [1]-14

Drive (Car) and NBC Suit, both (DX/A)-1 [1]-9

Soldier (IQ/A)-1 [1]-9

Technique: 6

Targeted Attack (Rifle/Eye) (H) [6]-19


Soldier (150 point template)

You are very good at war.

Attributes: 60 points

ST 10 [0]

DX 10 [0]

IQ 11 [20]

HT 14 [40]

Secondary Characteristics: -10

Damage 1d-2/1d; BL 20 lbs.

HP 10 [0]; Will 9 [-10]; Per 11 [0]; FP 14 [0]

Basic Speed 6 [0]; Basic Move 6 [0]

Advantages: 61 points

Awesome 4 [60], Signature Gear [1]

Perks: 2

Quick Reload (Detachable Magazine) [1], Walking Armory [1]

Disadvantages: -40 points

Partial Amnesia [-10], Sense of Duty (Team) [-5],

Skinny [-5], Weirdness Magnet [-15] and

Pick one of the following

Overconfidence [-5], Incurious [-5], Intolerance [-5],

Trademark [-5] or Truthfulness [-5]

Skills: 71

Guns (Rifle) (DX/E)+10 [20]-20

Swimming (HT/E)+4 [1]-18

Guns (Light Machine Gun, Pistol, Shotgun and Submachine Gun), all (DX/E) Default+1 [1]-19

Guns (Grenade Launcher and LAW), both (DX/E) Default+1 [1]-17

Savoir-Faire (Military) (IQ/E)+4 [1]-15

Fishing and Scrounging, both (Per/E)+4 [1]-15

Brawling, Fast Draw (Magazine and Pistol) and Knife, all (DX/E)+4 [1]-14

Boxing, Drive (Car) and NBC Suit, Spear, Stealth, Wrestling, all (DX/A)+4 [2]-14

Gunner (Machine Gun), Parachuting, both (DX/E)+4 [1]-14

Survival (Arctic) and Tracking, both (Per/A)+3 [1]-14

Armory (Small Arms and TL0 Weapons), Electronics Operations (Com),

Explosives (Demo), Interrogation, Leadership, Navigation (Land),

Soldier, Scuba, Teaching and Traps, all (IQ/A)+3 [1]-14

Engineer (Combat), Hazardous Materials (Radioactive), Math (Applied),

Physician, Strategy (Land) and Tactics, all (IQ/H)+2 [1]-13

Surgery (IQ/VH)+1 [1]-12

Two More Skill:

•Pick One of

Piloting (Heavy Airplane or Helicopter) or Riding (Horse), all (DX/A)+4 [2]-14

•Pick One of

Farming or Mechanic (Any), both (IQ/A)+3 [1]-14

Technique: 6

Targeted Attack (Rifle/Eye) (H) [6]-16











Good Skills: 22

Guns (Pistol) (DX/E)+7 [8]-19

Guns (Rifle and Shotgun), both (DX/E) Default+1 [1]-18

Fast Draw (Knife, Magazine and Pistol), all (DX/E)+4 [1]-16

Stealth (DX/A)+3 [1]-15

Teaching (IQ/A)+4 [2]-14

Physician (IQ/H)+3 [2]-13

Surgery (IQ/VH)+3 [4]-13

Skills: 10

Brawling and Knife, both (DX/E) [1]-12

Swimming (E) HT [1]-12

Drive (Car) and NBC Suit, both (DX/A)-1 [1]-11

Survival (Arctic) (Per/A) [2]-10

Soldier (IQ/A)-1 [1]-9

Navigation (Land) (IQ/A)-1 [1]-9

Math (Applied) (IQ/H)-2 [1]-8

•Select two of

Gunner (Machine Gun), Parachuting, both (DX/E)+1 [2]-13

Piloting (Heavy Airplane or Helicopter), Boxing or Wrestling, all (DX/E) [2]-12

Judo or Karate, both (DX/H)-1 [2]-11

Crewman (Seamanship or Submariner) (IQ/E)+1 [2]-11

Artillery (Cannon), Electronics Operations (Com), Explosives (Demo), Mechanic (Any),

Scuba or Traps, both (IQ/A) [2]-10

Engineer (Combat), Expert Skill (Epidemiology),

Hazardous Materials (Radioactive), all (IQ/H)-1 [2]-9

•Select two of

Guns (Light Machine Gun and Submachine Gun), both (DX/E) Default+1 [1]-18

Guns (Grenade Launcher or LAW), both (DX/E) Default+1 [1]-16

Spear (DX/A)-1 [1]-11

Savoir-Faire (Military) (IQ/E) [1]-10

Fishing and Scrounging, both (E) Per [1]-10

Armory (Small Arms), Leadership, both (IQ/A)-1 [1]-9

Tactics (IQ/H)-2 [1]-8


800 acre urban neighborhood of surveillance capitalism “from the internet up” trading privacy for convenience.

Everything from dumpsters to traffic lights are equipped with hardware designed to gather data and monitor changing conditions in the area.

Home to 1,000 employees to create a more efficient and heavily automated urban environment.

The area houses an additional 4,500 people and host another 4,500 workers who live off site in shipping container apartments.

900 employees monitor 10 people each and 90 supervisors monitor 10 employees each, 9 directors monitor 10 supervisors each and

1 employee directs the robots that maintain and clean the 800 acre neighborhood.

A layer of all-weather digital infrastructure and data-driven management tools that provides constant connectivity to address urban challenges

to reduce building energy consumption, landfill waste, and carbon emissions. Blending people-centered urban design and self-driving vehicles

with a point-to-point digital navigation transit system to achieve mobility and to make parks and public plazas more comfortable.


HI-MEMS (Hybrid-Insect-Micro-Electro-Mechanical System) or machine-insect interfaces, micro-mechanical systems placed inside insects during the early stages of metamorphosis to create insect cyborgs.


132 point Morrow Project Recon (Special Forces Doctor)

Attributes: 100 points

ST 12 [20]

DX 12 [40]

IQ 11 [20]

HT 12 [20]

Secondary Characteristics: -10

Damage 1d-1/1d+2; BL 29 lbs.

HP 12 [0]; Will 9 [-10]; Per 11 [0]; FP 12 [0]

Basic Speed 6 [0]; Basic Move 6 [0]

Advantages: 40 points

Gifted 4 [40]

Perks: 2

Quick Reload (Detachable Magazine) [1], Walking Armory [1]

Languages: 3 points

English (Native)

Latin (Broken) [2]

French or Vietnamese (Spoken only/Broken) [1]

Disadvantages: -40 points

Partial Amnesia [-10], Sense of Duty (Team) [-5],

Skinny [-5], Weirdness Magnet [-15] and

Pick one of the following

Overconfidence [-5], Incurious [-5], Intolerance [-5],

Trademark [-5] or Truthfulness [-5]

Skills: 31 points

Guns (Pistol) (DX/E)+7 [8]-19*

Guns (Rifle and Shotgun), both (DX/E) Default+1 [1]-18

Brawling, Fast Draw (Knife, Magazine and Pistol) and Knife, all (DX/E)+4 [1]-16*

Stealth (DX/A)+3 [1]-15*

Soldier and Teaching, both (IQ/A)+3 [1]-14*

Physician (IQ/H)+3 [2]-14*

Surgery (IQ/VH)+3 [4]-14*

Swimming (E) HT [1]-12

Drive (Car) and NBC Suit, both (DX/A)-1 [1]-11

Survival (Arctic) (A) Per [2]-11

Navigation (Land) (IQ/A)-1 [1]-10

Math (Applied) (IQ/H)-2 [1]-9

Technique: 6

Targeted Attack (Pistol/Eye) (H) [6]-15

* +4 from Gifted 4 to Brawling, Guns, Fast Draw, Knife, Soldier, Stealth,

Physician, Surgery, Teaching, pick 3 more skills

Pick a Lens or Roll 3d6

3-5 Strong

+1 ST [10]

Pick Two

Boxing, Broadsword, Riding (Horse), Spear, and Wrestling, all (DX/A) [2]-12

Karate and Judo, both (DX/H)-1 [2]-11

Engineer (any), Musical Instrument (any), Naturalist and Tactics, all (IQ/H)-1 [2]-10

Pick Four

Leatherworking, Sewing/TL0, both (DX/E) [1]-12

Tracking, Urban Survival (Per/A)-1 [1]-10

Carpentry, Camouflage, Masonry and Savoir Faire, all (IQ/E) [1]-11

Throw Knife (DX/E) [1]-12

Carousing and Singing, both (HT/E) [1]-12

Armory/TL0 (Weapons), Connoisseur (Wine), Demolitions (any),

Electronic Operation (any), Electronic Repair (any), Leadership, Lockpicking,

Mechanic (any), Streetwise and Traps, all (IQ/A)-1 [1]-10

6 Knife Fighter

+1 ST [10]

Knife (DX/E)+6 [4]-18*

Armory/TL0 (Weapons) (IQ/A)-1 [1]-10

Targeted Attack (Knife/Neck) (H) [4]-16

7 Tough

+3 Hit Points [6], Hard to Kill 1 [2], High Pain Threshold [10]

8 Aware

+1 Per [5], Nightvision 5 [5]

Pick Two

Boxing, Broadsword, Riding (Horse), Spear, and Wrestling, all (DX/A) [2]-12

Karate and Judo, both (DX/H)-1 [2]-11

Engineer (any), Musical Instrument (any), Naturalist and Tactics, all (IQ/H)-1 [2]-10

Pick Four

Leatherworking, Sewing/TL0, both (DX/E) [1]-12

Tracking, Urban Survival (Per/A)-1 [1]-10

Carpentry, Camouflage, Masonry and Savoir Faire, all (IQ/E) [1]-11

Throw Knife (DX/E) [1]-12

Carousing and Singing, both (HT/E) [1]-12

Armory/TL0 (Weapons), Connoisseur (Wine), Demolitions (any),

Electronic Operation (any), Electronic Repair (any), Leadership, Lockpicking,

Mechanic (any), Streetwise and Traps, all (IQ/A)-1 [1]-10

9-10 Point Man

Perception +2 [10], Acute Vision 2 [4], Hard to Kill 2 [4]

11-12 Useful

High Pain Threshold [10]

Pick Two

Boxing, Broadsword, Riding (Horse), Spear, and Wrestling, all (DX/A) [2]-12

Karate and Judo, both (DX/H)-1 [2]-11

Engineer (any), Musical Instrument (any), Naturalist and Tactics, all (IQ/H)-1 [2]-10

Pick Four

Leatherworking, Sewing/TL0, both (DX/E) [1]-12

Tracking, Urban Survival (Per/A)-1 [1]-10

Carpentry, Camouflage, Masonry and Savoir Faire, all (IQ/E) [1]-11

Throw Knife (DX/E) [1]-12

Carousing and Singing, both (HT/E) [1]-12

Armory/TL0 (Weapons), Connoisseur (Wine), Demolitions (any),

Electronic Operation (any), Electronic Repair (any), Leadership, Lockpicking,

Mechanic (any), Streetwise and Traps, all (IQ/A)-1 [1]-10

13-14 Scout

Perception +3 [15]

Detect Lies (Per/H)-1 [2]-13

Tracking (Per/A)-1 [1]-13

15-16 Leader

Attractive [4], Charisma 1 [5], Nightvision 5 [5]

17-18 Hunter

Perception +1 [5], Less Sleep 2 [4], Nightvision 9 [9]

19 Gunslinger

Nightvision 2 [2]

Guns (Pistol) (DX/E)+7 [24]-23*

Targeted Attack (Pistol/Eye) (H) [6]-19