
Dave Arneson's BlackMoor has a race of frogmen that move really, really fast. +20 to jump checks made me laugh as well.


+4 Dexterity, +4 Constitution, -4 Intelligence, -2 Charisma

Fast: Speed 40 (their jumping ability makes them very fast for their size)

Size Small: +1 AC/Att, –1 CMB/CMD, +2 Fly, +4 Stealth

Weak Will (Ex): -4 racial penalty on saves vs. enchantment spells and spell-like effects.

Racial bonus of +4 to Escape Artist checks

Swim speed 40 feet. +8 on all Swim checks and can always choose to take 10 with Swim checks, even if rushed or threatened and can use the run action while swimming, as long as they swim in a straight line.

Amphibious (Ex): An amphibious creature can breathe both air and water equally easily.

Hop (Ex): +20 racial bonus to Acrobatics when jumping.

Perma-Grin (Ex): -8 to Sense Motive checks against froglins

Languages: Common. Bonus Languages: Grippli, Toad.