The White Stripes Icky Thump

The King and Queen of Rock & Roll: Jack and Meg White

Andrew Olson

Reader Weekly

On June 19th a moment in music is going to begin.. A Revolution for the ears, and an answer to the soul’s misery.

The White Stripes are releasing a new studio album titled, Icky Thump.

One song off the album hit airways a week ago titled, “Icky Thump.” After hearing it, you have to prepare yourself for an entirely new genre of music for the future.

“Icky Thump” is only a taste of what is to come, but the brew was intoxicating. An electronic-satanic opening of the grave of rock and roll comes banging in like a hammer into the head of music. Indian flares of spacey organ circulate and zip through the song.

Jack White yells while singing in a loud pitched, crazy voice. Then the guitar crashes in perfect time with the cymbals, before taking off with Flash Gordon.

Sliding on the edge of being ahead of its time, this song is too new to even have a genre yet. It is simplistic in typical White Stripes fashion, but genius.

Too many people get all hung up on the colors the White Stripes use or if Jack and Meg are brother and sister, or that he got married and had a kid. F&$% that.

Jack White creates the best music out there today. Put him with The Raconteurs, Loretta Lynn, or Meg White and he continues to amaze. No one has ever been like this in rock and roll, and no one may ever be like him again.

Sometimes people complain about there not being many great bands around today, or that things have passed. Let me assure you, The White Stripes are the King and Queen of Rock and Roll today. Put them up there with Jimi Hendrix, The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, and even Elvis Presley.

You can listen to the song “Icky Thump” at