Future Lisa

Future Lisa

Andrew Olson

Reader Weekly

Future Lisa has a sound that is either ahead of it’s time or dated to an era where poetry once flourished? They inhabit some far off oasis where catchy lyrics mix with limited ranged singing. The music doesn’t grab you at first, but the words are what get up and slap you in the face.

It isn’t always easy to label a band or say exactly who or what kinds of sounds they replicate. This issue is compounded when the singer writes lyrics that bite, but are intuitive in a whole new way. A staccato barrage of words mixed with formless music.

Future Lisa is originally from New Jersey, but has resided in Minneapolis since 2001. She plays on a Roland FP3 keyboard, and is accompanied by Bryan Miller on drums and Larry Ravenswood on bass. Her third CD titled,

Test Drive, was released this fall. It blends her brash lyrics with futuristic sounds.

The first song on the album, “Feel My Love”, sets the tone for the entire CD. It opens with a disarrayed feeling; mixing free form poetry and low pitched, slow singing. In the song Future Lisa sings, “Feel the cold hard steel – Doesn’t it excite you? It’s my pearl handled pleasure – Let’s see it turn you on. Don’t fear its deadly power – Embrace its weight against your thigh – feel my love around your wrists – Holding you securely.”

Once Lisa takes you by the wrist she talks about her control in the next tune, “Your Mine”. This one was primarily piano, but the bass was moving to a steady beat. Actually the bass in the song makes it sound better than the other tunes on the album. It compliments the lyrics, which at times are almost spoken word. Lisa has this tone to her voice that is reminiscent of a Broadway singer telling a story in a musical. She sings about her one-sided domination, “I don’t want to hold you… I just want to control you – I don’t want to kiss you, (and) when you are not around, I don’t miss you - Just tell me where you are, I need to know – I’ll call you in your car, or anywhere you go – No one else will have you, I won’t share. You’re mine forever and I don’t care…. I don’t know of your feelings, I don’t care. You don’t matter when I am not there.”

Her view is further emphasized in the next song, “Disposable Guys” when she talks about it being, “hotter when we wait.” It had a saxophone jazz intro with sound effects. Unlike most women who sing about guys leaving them or loving them, Lisa takes the men by the bit. She sings later in the tune, “Disposable guys, never gonna let them stay – I love you, but don’t sit over here by me - I love you, but your closeness overwhelms me - I love you, but do I have to see you every week? I love you, but is it necessary that you speak?”

Future Lisa is a fresh perspective on love and relationships. In a time of overused clichés it is nice to see a girl still apt to fully kick the guys to the curb lyrically. Their live show incorporates stage antics that have become legendary at bars like The Terminal in the cities. Her music can be purchased through her web site at: www.futurelisa.com and can be also heard there for free.