The Dream Band Review

The Dream Band Review/Mad Lib

Andrew Olson

Reader Weekly

The (Band Name)_______________________ have announced their (Number of previous CD releases)________________ Cd release this (Date of album release) __________________titled, (Album Title)_________________.

(Opening Band Name)______________ will be opening the show and kicking off their “(Title of tour)__________________" tour. The places they will travel include far off locations like, (Enter tour cities here)__________________.

From the (Band Name)___________________, (Best player in the band)______________ and his (Adjective)___________ enhanced (Instrument)______________ are quite the (Description of obscure object)________________. He/She has a/an (Noun)__________________ quality that asks us to seriously consider our own personal (Plural Noun)____________.

(Band Name)__________ have done well at selling its (Band that influenced) _____________ meets (Other band that influenced)____________________ sound.

At their previous (Noun)____________ release party on (Date of last CD release)_______________ they had a/an (Adjective)__________ evening. When (Name of someone else in the band)_______________ started to let the (Adjective)__________(Instrument)_____________ go two people (Verb)_____________. Throngs of (Adjective)___________ fans were milling around; (Number)____________________, to be exact.

(Band Name)_______________ began in (Year)___________when (Band member)__________________ met (Band member)__________________ at the (Place Name)______________________. Their song, “(Song Title)_________________" talks about a, “(Quote from song that makes band sounddeep)________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________”

(Band Member)________________ (Adverb)_______________ (Verb)________around on (Instrument)_____________ (Adverb)________________ (Verb)_______________ on his song, “(Song Title)______________".

Check (Band Name)_______________ out this coming (Date)_______________ at the (Venue)___________________ in (City)____________________. They are the greatest (Genre of music)_________________ band you will hear for the next (Number of years)_________________________.

[Picture of Band]