High Impact Practices(HIPs):

Undergraduate Research 1, 2, or 3

part of a course

Banner Code: WUR1

Banner Description: Undergraduate Research 1

Community College Definition: Course or course section where undergraduate research is offered as part of course, not as a sequence.

sequence, credit given over 2 semesters

Banner Code: WUR2

Banner Description: Undergraduate Research 2

Community College Definition: Course or course section where undergraduate research is offered as a sequence, credit given over two semesters.

sequence, credit given over 3+ semesters

Banner Code: WUR3

Banner Description: Undergraduate Research 3

Community College Definition: Course or course section where undergraduate research is offered as a sequence, credit given over 3+ semesters.

HIP Taxonomy: Minimum Definition of Practice

Undergraduate research is an inquiry or investigation conducted by an undergraduate student in collaboration with a faculty member that makes a unique intellectual, scholarly, or creative contribution to the discipline, and for which the student receives academic credit either through a course or independent study. The student's contribution may be part of a new or ongoing faculty research project (adapted from CUR).

TBR HIPs Ambassadors

Monthly Connection Calls with HIPs Ambassadors: