High Impact Practices(HIPs):

Honors Education

Banner Code: WHE

Banner Description: Honors Education

Community College Definition: Course or course section is designated as specifically for honors education students. This does not include a course or course section where a student may request to take the class for honors, but alongside non-honors education students.

HIP Taxonomy: Minimum Definition of Practice

Honors education is characterized by in-class and extracurricular activities that meet the needs and abilities of the students it serves through practices that are measurably broader, deeper, or more complex than comparable learning experiences typically found at institutions of higher education. Honors experiences include a distinctive learner-directed environment and philosophy, provide opportunities that are appropriately tailored to fit the institution's culture and mission, and frequently occur within a close community of students and faculty (adapted from NCHC, 2016).

TBR HIPs Ambassadors

Monthly Connection Calls with HIPs Ambassadors: