High Impact Practices(HIPs):

First Year Seminar or Experience 1, 2, or 3

Less than one semester

Banner Code: WFY1

Banner Description: First Year Seminar or Experience 1

Community College Definition: Course or course section is or is part of a first year seminar or experience that is less than one semester in length, regardless of whether the program grants credit. Summer bridge programs should be included to the extent that courses or course sections are coded in Banner.

One semester in length

Banner Code: WFY2

Banner Description: First Year Seminar or Experience 2

Community College Definition: Course or course section is or is part of a first year seminar or experience that is one semester in length and grants credit.

Multiple semesters in length

Banner Code: WFY3

Banner Description: First Year Seminar or Experience 3

Community College Definition: Course or course section is or is part of a first year seminar or experience that is multiple semesters in length and grants credit.

HIP Taxonomy: Minimum Definition of Practice

A course intended to enhance the academic and social integration of first-year students by introducing them to essential skills for college success and a supportive campus community comprised of faculty, staff, and peers. FYSs often place a strong emphasis on critical inquiry, frequent writing, information literacy, collaborative learning, and other crucial competencies. Some FYSs also feature rigorous discipline-based content.

TBR HIPs Ambassadors

Monthly Connection Calls with HIPs Ambassadors: