180days visa-free in the EU

This website website was originally set up in 2020 to campaign for 180 days visa-free travel in the EU for British Citizens in a post Brexit world. By September 2020 is became clear that the Schengen rule would apply in 2021 so the team changed our focus.

180days in France

In September we set up a sister website www.180daysinfrance.org and Facebook page that are focused on travel related specifically to France.

180days visa-free

We do not anticipate many updates in the future. It remains a repository for the large volume of content produced between April and September 2020.

Groups for second homeowners in other countries

In late 2020 other 180days Facebook pages were set up for other EU Countries. They are independent groups with a common aim of better access to EU countries for UK citizens. The groups in Spain and Greece are "action" groups where members are expected to lobby their local politicians.

What this means for other groups

The RYA and Cruising Association are running campaigns for boat owners who may find it virtually impossible to cruise in EU waters for any significant length of time and then store store/maintain their boat in an EU port. They also face issues related to VAT and recognition of their sailing qualifications.

Motorhomers have many Facebook groups. We have posted about our campaign on a specific group however the group itself is does not have a campaign role https://www.facebook.com/groups/324864221693466/

We have had contacts with individual second home owners in Greece, Spain and Italy but we do not know of any groups currently campaigning on the matter of travel to the EU. We will happily publicise them here if they notify us of their existence.

last updated 18/01/21 15:11