Contact Us

Collecting feedback about letters to MPs was disccontinued in September 2020

Why we are using a form to collect your feedback

  • not everyone likes using email

  • you don't have to provide contact details if this is your choice

  • we are a very small team

  • using a form helps us respond quickly if we need to

Forms FAQ

Q: Will I receive a reply?


    • we will reply to those marked legal/official which we consider to be genuine

    • we cannot reply if you have not provided contact details

    • we are a very small team so we will not be able to reply to every comment

Q : Where is my personal data stored?


    • in the cloud with Google and password protected

    • personal details will never be downloaded

The Legal Stuff About Forms

  • we will not use your contact details for any purpose other than for our campaigns

  • we will not pass details to anyone unless legally required to do so

Last updated 25/09/20 07:36 BST