Député Letter

Some députés have recently written back with replies that are sympathetic to our situation. We want to capitalise on this by sharing the idea of a streamlined application process for a VLST ( visa long-stay temporaire). This could be the most important 180 day campaign letter you will write this year.

Choose which French email template to use

We have two templates that depend on your circumstances. They differ only in the first paragraph.

  1. For those who have never written OR did not write in early September please use the template here.

  2. More than a hundred of you wrote to your député in early September. We would like you to write again with the "follow-up" template here

The French has been professionally translated by Lynn Whitmore. The English translation of both texts is here.

Find your French député

This is very simple to do

  1. You can search "rechercher votre député" Click here and go to the bottom of the new page that opens.

  2. There are also step by step instructions here

  3. Copy and Paste the email address as this avoids typos.

Send the email

For the benefit of the recipients and the effectiveness of the 180days visa-free campaign we ask you to use these guidelines:

  1. Use the Subject Line: Aidez-nous à passer l'été chez nous en France

  2. Please do not take a scatter-gun approach by copying to multiple people as this may harm the campaign however you may wish to copy your Maire as a matter of courtesy.

Tell us what you have done

Please use the specific député form to tell us who you have contacted. Contact details are optional.

Last Updated 25/09/20 13:10