New Call to Action-Visa

Dear Fellow Second Homeowner

The Government made it clear that visa-free travel was off its agenda and that those affected should take things up with each individual country.

We now know that staying for long periods in France will require a visa, probably a VLST. We have concerns about a log-jam of applications in the early part of 2021 and so have made a proposal to streamline the VLST application for second homeowners. There is more information in the section “Why our approach is to streamline ... here

We want to capitalise on the recent positive responses from députés so would like you to send a new email to your député. We have had this translated to a professional standard. All the information about the new proforma is on the 180daysvisafree website here.

The email itself has a link to pages on the website that have been professionally translated into French. You can see them here

We need to get this in front of the largest French audience possible; sending the email to your depute will be a great start. Please do it as soon as you can and tell us that you have done it using the specific député form.

Unless we all lobby for change we will be faced with a long tedious process for getting a visa.

Spending ten minutes on this today could save you a lot of time in the future

The 180days team