G3: Student Stymied by Schengen

His dad did it and his brothers did it but Schengen 90/180 spoils a student's travel dreams

Michael's dad often mentions the days when he was a student and hitchhiked across Europe. This was before the UK joined the EU. His Dad's enthusiasm has rubbed off on David and his two brothers. His brother Patrick had a great time inter-railing to southern Spain, spending the next 3 months travelling home. More recently, his brother Andrew had taken a cheap flight to Greece and spent 10 weeks journeying home.

Michael has plans for a mega-trip and has 4 months free in 2021 to take the trip. What will he do? Where should he go? He has the outline of a plan and his family are supportive of this long trip. He starts planning the detail and then learns about Schengen. He realises he will have to cut his trip back to 80 days to give him some margin for overstay and for going to his mate's stag weekend in Berlin.

Unless the government negotiates win-win 180/360 travel arrangements this could happen to you or your friends.