Campaign Website

About Us

  • is now on new page here

Website bio

  • was developed over 10 days in April 2020 and went live on Saturday 25/04/2020

  • was developed in Google sites. It retrieves letter templates from Google Docs, uses Google forms for feedback forms and stores the data in Google Sheets

  • uses Google Analytics to produce stats on website usage. Also uses links for more granular analysis of usage

  • encourages feedback on content, bugs and typos. Just click the "something-else" form

  • uses Google forms for collecting data

Release 6A 18/01/2021

  • New Home Page which now has links to other 180days groups

  • Refinement of French Wording on this page

Release 5 23/09/2020 -17/01/21

Release 5F 30/10/2020

  • Updated survey page with report on September/October survey. link

Release 5E 23/10/2020

  • Updated 180/360 proposal with reference to paper to Michel Barnier and others. link

  • Updated with information about replies from the French Consulate in London. link

Release 5D 15/10/2020

Release 5C 03/10/2020

  • The campaign's interaction with the French Consulate in London. link

Release 5B 01/10/2020

  • More detailed information about the July survey. link

Release 5A 23/09/2020

  • Change in approach after the Government formally announced that visa-free travel was not included in its negotiations.

  • The focus is now on simplifying the visa process for those with second homes in France.

  • New French député letter

Release 4 11/06 -27/08/2020

Release 4E 27/08/2020

  • New French depute letter

  • New UK MP letter for to be sent on their return from the summer recess

Release 4D 13/08/2020

  • July Letter discontinued

Release 4C 10/07/2020

  • July Letter to MPs

Release 4B 10/07/2020

  • Revised method of presenting MP letters

Release 4 11/06/2020

  • Restructured to include Real Life Events and Scenarios within the main website

Release 3: 26/05 - 11/06

Release 3D 11/06/2020

  • New content to Home Page

  • New Follow-up letters

Release 3D 07/06/2020

  • Revision to buttons on Home page and its sub-pages

  • Updated content to Why Act Now

  • About Us added

Release 3C 04/06/2020

  • option of two follow-up letters

Release 3B 30th & 31/05/2020

  • Revised template for follow-up letter to MP

  • Updated scenario pages

Release 3 26/05/2020

  • Technical: New URL | Revised menu structure | Updated footer | Use of links

  • New Pages: Follow-up email to MP | Real-life Events | Scenarios

  • Updated templates for letters

Release 2: 29/04 - 20/05

Release 2B 20/05/2020

  • Link to Real-Life Events

  • Link to Schengen Scenarios

Release 2 29/04/2020

  • content added to enable people to write in French to their député in the area of their second home

  • content for UK citizens who travel widely in Europe who will be affected by the Schengen 90/180-day rule

  • specific feedback forms for MP name, député name, and other feedback

  • a new page for Government statements concerning post Brexit travel arrangements replaced the page which related to a letter from an MP

Release 1 25/04/2020

Initial Release containing pages for

  • Why Act Now and What to Do

  • Contact your MP with a letter focused on those with second homes in Europe

  • Core Factual pages

Last update 16/01/21 16:35