Christopher Staley, PhD

Assistant Professor

Basic and Translational Research

Research Vision:

Our research focuses on finding mechanistic signatures and patterns in microbiome data related to disease onset and progression. We use metagenomics sequencing and mouse models to address broadly applicable themes.

Research Areas:

  • Microbial Ecology

  • Obesity

  • Wound Healing

Research Publications:

1. Staley C, Halaweish H, Graiziger C, Hamilton M, Kabage A, Galdys A, et al. Lower endoscopic delivery of freeze-dried intestinal microbiota results in more rapid and efficient engraftment than oral administration. Sci Rep. 2021;11:4519.

2. Kaiser T, Nalluri H, Zhu Z, Staley C. Donor microbiota composition and housing affect recapitulation of obese phenotypes in a human microbiota-associated murine model. Front Cell Infect Microbiol. 2021;11:614218.

3. Rashidi A, Ebadi M, Ur Rehman T, Elhusseini H, Nalluri H, Kaiser T, et al. Effect of COVID-19 precautions on the gut microbiota and nosocomial infections. Gut Microbes. 2021;13:1–10.

4. Nalluri H, Kizy S, Ewing K, Luthra G, Leslie DB, Bernlohr DA, et al. Peri-operative antibiotics acutely and significantly impact intestinal microbiota following bariatric surgery. Sci Rep [Internet]. 2020;10:1–10. Available from:

5. Rashidi A, Kaiser T, Ebadi M, Holtan SG, Ur Rehman T, Weisdorf DJ, et al. Circulating bacterial DNA and neutropenic fever during anti-leukaemia chemotherapy. Br. J. Haematol. 2020. p. e55–8.