Arthur Matas, MD


Division of Transplantation

Research Vision:

My research has focused on 2 main areas: a) improving outcomes for kidney transplant recipients, and b) studying the long-term outcome of living kidney donors. To achieve both goals we have built a database to follow both donors and recipients. We have played a role in improving transplant outcomes (improving survival, minimizing morbidity); and have provided granular data on living donor outcomes.

Research Areas:

  • Kidney transplant outcomes

  • Living donor outcomes

  • Ethics

Research Publications:

1. Helgeson ES, Mannon R, Grande J, Gaston RS, Cecka MJ, Kasiske BL, Rush D, Gourishankar S, Cosio F, Hunsicker L, Connett J, Matas AJ. i-IFTA and chronic active T cell-mediated rejection: A tale of 2 (DeKAF) cohorts. Am J Transplant. 2021 May;21(5):1866-1877

2. Jacobs C, Berglund D, Wiseman J, Garvey C, Larson D, Voges M, Radecki Breitkopf C, Ibrahim HN, Matas AJ. Long-term Pyschosocial Outcomes after Nondirected Donation: A Single Center Experince. Am J Transplant. 2019 May;19(5):1498-1506.

3. Matas AJ, Berglund DM, Vock DM, Ibrahim HN. Causes and timing of end-stage renal disease after living kidney donation. Am J Transplant. 2018 May;18(5):1140-1150.

4. Oetting WS, Wu B, Schladt DP, Guan W, Remmel RP, Mannon RB, Matas AJ, Israni AK, Jacobson PA. Genome-wide association study identifies the common variants in CYP3A4 and CYP3A5 responsible for variation in tacrolimus trough concentration in Caucasian kidney transplant recipients. Pharmacogenomics J. 2018 May 22;18(3):501-505

5. Serrano O. K., Kandaswamy R., Gillingham K., Chinnakotla S., Dunn T. B., Finger E., Payne W., Ibrahim H., Kukla A., Spong R., Issa N., Pruett T. L., Matas, A. Rapid Discontinuation of Prednisone in Kidney Transplant Recipients: 15-Year Outcomes from the University of Minnesota. Transplantation. 2017 Oct;101(10):2590-2598