
The main goal is to better understand brain connections, thought processes, and symptoms in veterans with both PTSD and depression.

The purpose of this study is to understand how to best measure memory and learning in individuals who have psychiatric illness, so that we can better measure how well treatments designed to improve learning and memory work. 

Participate in a research study to help us learn more about the effects of genetics (genes) & medication effectiveness through Medication Therapy Management (MTM) 

This study partners with Posit Science to see if a new computerized training program can help people with depression and anxiety with thinking and problem solving skills 

This study aims to learn how brain functioning impacts suicidal thoughts and behaviors in adolescents with and without depression.

The purpose of this study is to explore the effects of chronic pain and depression on brain and behavior.  This study includes a 3T MRI scan.

We are interested in learning more about how programs at community health clinics may help teenagers with depression

The purpose of this study is to find an alternative version of ECT (Electro-Convulsive Therapy) that reduces the negative side effects (mostly memory loss) while still providing patients with relief from depressive symptoms.

This study is investigating if adolescents who have attempted suicide can train their brains to increase happiness via controlling their own brain activity in an MRI scanner.