Cortical Inhibitory Biomarkers

Who should I contact?

  • Phone number 612-626-5362

  • Email address:

  • QR code to permission to contact form:

What is this study?

This study aims to learn how brain functioning impacts suicidal thoughts and behaviors in adolescents with and without depression. We hope that the information learned in this study will help to identify adolescents most at risk for suicidal behavior, and to develop improved treatments for adolescents.

Who can participate?

Adolescent participants (aged 13-18):

  • With depression, including those recently in the hospital, partial hospitalization programs, or intensive outpatient treatment

What will I do if I participate?

A telephone screening (brief series of questions) will be conducted to determine potential eligibility for the study. Adolescents likely to be eligible will be scheduled for an initial visit (with their parent/guardian) for obtaining informed consent prior to study participation.

The study takes place at the University of Minnesota Campus (Masonic Institute for the Developing Brain, Noninvasive Neuromodulation Lab, Center for Magnetic Resonance Research). The total duration of involvement is around 7 hours total, which can be split over multiple days. Some participants will be invited to return for a second visit.

Does this study compensate for my time?

Full completion of all the study tasks compensates $100 for your time. Your parking will also be reimbursed.

IRB#: STUDY00011433