Teen Brain Training

Who do I contact?

Call 612-624-8088

You can also send an email at teenbraintrain@umn.edu  

Are you an adolescent  who is interested in the study? Click on the link to sign up to be contacted! https://redcap.ahc.umn.edu/surveys/?s=CNJPAHXWT3 

Parent or Guardian interested in the study? Click on the link to sign up to be contacted! https://redcap.ahc.umn.edu/surveys/?s=7EXCD7JMCP 

What is the study?

We are exploring the effects of neurofeedback training. Neurofeedback is controlling one's own brain activity in real time in an MRI scanner. This is a novel treatment method in adolescents at risk for suicide attempts.

Who can participate?

This study is for adolescents who:

This study is also for adults with borderline personality symptoms. If you may have borderline personality disorder symptoms, and you are between the ages of 17 and 45, click the link to fill out our contact form or scan the QR code


What will happen if I decide to participate?

The study take place at the Center for Magnetic Resonance Research (CMRR) or a combination of the CMRR and virtual visits via Zoom. 

Am I compensated for this study?

Participants will be compensated up to $485 for their time.

IRB#: STUDY00012895