Brain Imaging and Task Selection

Who can I contact for more information about this study?

You can call 612-625-1542 or email

You may also fill out a screening survey by clicking on the link below:

Who can participate in this study?

If you:

  • Are currently experiencing symptoms of bulimia nervosa (binge-eating, self-induced vomiting)

  • Are between the ages of 18 - 55 years old.

What is this study about?

The purpose of this study is to identify the potentially crucial role of anticipating binge eating & purging in bulimia nervosa (BN), using different methods including measures of brain functioning in BN. It is hoped that by understanding the anticipation of binge eating & purging, further studies can be done to allow us to develop more effective treatments for bulimia nervosa.

What will happen if I decide to take part in this study?

The study takes place at the University of Minnesota's Department of Psychaitry and Behavioral Sciences and the Center for Magnetic Resonance Research (CMRR). The study will be 1-2 months long in duration.

Participation involves:

  • Interviews and questionnaires

  • Physical exam ((with height and blind weight)

  • Behavioral tasks while in an fMRI scanner

  • Eating meals in the laboratory

  • Two 4-5 hour visits

  • 2 weeks of information collected on participants’ cell phone

Will I be compensated for this study?

Participants will be compensated up to $150 for their time.

IRB #: STUDY00010436