TReC Study

Contact Information

For more information, call (612) 626-5544 or email If you’d like to enroll, complete a study interest form

IRB# STUDY00020174

Broad Overview

TReC is a Comprehensive Behavioral Intervention for Tics (CBIT) therapy trial for people aged 10-17 years who experience tics.  

Study Goal

The purpose of the TReC study is to identify who is most likely to benefit from CBIT, how CBIT changes the brain, and which parts of CBIT sessions are more helpful. This study will look at changes in tics over the course of treatment. By using neuroimaging methods such as EEG and fMRI, this study will add to the field's understanding of the neurological mechanisms that take place during CBIT and will assess which CBIT factors are most important for reducing tic symptoms.

Who Can Participate?

You may be eligible to participate if you or your child:

What is Involved in the TReC Study

Participants will have to undergo behavioral and clinical assessments prior to starting the CBIT treatment, right after completing treatment, and three months after their last treatment visit. Participants will also undergo an EEG and MRI before and after completing their CBIT sessions.

Participants will complete 8 weekly in-person CBIT sessions over 10 weeks at the Masonic Institute for the Developing Brain. Participants will complete a brief Tic Suppression Task at each session. Each CBIT visit is expected to take 1 hour. Overall, participation will take place over 27 weeks.


All participants will be compensated for their time.