Brain Imaging and Conditioning Study

Who can participate?

If you are:

  • Assigned female at birth and between 18 - 50 years old

  • Currently experiencing symptoms of anorexia nervosa such as restrictive eating, fear of weight gain, or/and low body weight OR you have no history of mental illness.

What is this Research Study About?

This study is interested in looking at how the brains of those who have anorexia nervosa may be different from those who do not have anorexia nervosa. Specifically, the researchers are looking to see if the parts of the brain involved in emotion-based learning work differently in those who have anorexia nervosa. They are also interested in determining whether any brain differences predict eating disorder symptoms over time.

What will this study involve?

  • Study visits will take place at M Health Fairview West Bank & Center for Magnetic Resonance Research (CMRR)

  • Study participation takes 1 month or 1 year

  • Participants will complete interviews, questionnaires, fMRI scans during which you view pictures during a learning and decision-making task and physical exam.

  • Visits lasting about 2-5 hours


Participants will be compensated up to $180 for their time.

Who do I contact if I am interested?

You can call 612-625-1542 or email and let them know you are interested in the Brain Imaging and Conditioning Study or take this survey:

IRB#: STUDY00009646