Understanding Diabetes

Did you know that you have the power to reduce your risk of diabetes?

1. Watch a PRESENTATION to learn about different types of diabetes and how to manage your blood sugar levels.

2. Do an ACTIVITY to test your knowledge.

3. APPLY what you've learned to YOUR life to develop a plan to control your blood sugar or lower your risk of diabetes.

More resources

Mayo Clinic: Lifestyle Changes Yield Positive Results for Wisconsin Woman with Diabetes. Read about one woman's experience managing her diabetes. https://sharing.mayoclinic.org/2017/10/19/lifestyle-changes-yield-positive-results-for-wisconsin-woman-with-diabetes/

National Health Service: Are there actually 5 types of diabetes? This article from the NHS breaks down recent research on types of diabetes. https://www.nhs.uk/news/diabetes/are-there-actually-5-types-diabetes/