Sleep Easy

Sleep affects almost every tissue in the body. How much sleep did you get last night?

1. Watch a PRESENTATION to learn about the importance of sleep. Begin to identify the things that affect how well and how much you sleep.

2. Do an ACTIVITY to explore your sleep hygiene.

3. APPLY those ideas to YOUR life to develop a plan to get better, more restful sleep.

More resources

Exercising for Better Sleep. This article from Johns Hopkins Medicine covers the best way to leverage your physical activity to help you sleep. Practical advice as well as the research to back up the recommendations.

A day that leads to your best night's sleep. This infographic is something you can print out and put up in your home or office as a reminder of small changes you can make to get your best sleep possible.

Choosing the best sleep position. Short article from Johns Hopkins on how the position you sleep in can be impacting your wellness.