Fruits, Vegetables, Whole Grains, Oh My!

Do you have a hard time getting the right amounts of fruits,vegetables, and whole grains?

1. Watch a PRESENTATION to learn about these important food groups!

2. Do a learning ACTIVITY to test your knowledge.

3. APPLY those ideas to YOUR life to develop a plan to fit fruits, vegetables and whole grains into your budget and your calendar.

More resources

National Farmers Market Directory. Look up farmers market locations near you. Some even offer winter markets.

Johns Hopkins. This grocery guide has suggestions that will help your pantry line up with your healthy eating goals.

Popcorn: The perfect snack food. This article offers suggestions on healthy ways to prepare this whole grain snack, including a recipe for DIY microwave popcorn.

Whole Grains: Hearty options for healthy diet. This article from the Mayo Clinic explains what a whole grain is, the benefits of including whole grains in your diet and some simple way to get more whole grains.