Physical Activity: Tell Me, Show Me, Watch Me!

Do you think physical activity is important? It's important not just for physical health, but also for mental health and to keep up with daily tasks as we get older.

1. Watch a PRESENTATION to learn about different types of physical activity, and why an active lifestyle is beneficial to your health.

2. Do an ACTIVITY to explore lifestyle physical activities that may already be a part of your routine.

3. APPLY those ideas to YOUR life to develop a plan to be more active.

More resources

CDC: Physical Activity Basics. The most up to date CDC guidelines for physical activity.

Move Your Way. This colorful fact sheet is the perfect reminder of how good physical activity is for your health and what counts towards the weekly recommendations of 150-300 minutes. You might want to print this to keep on your desk.

Activity Planner. Use this interactive planning tool to select aerobic and straightening activities that you do in a week to see how you are doing. Then make a plan to meet the recommended amount of physical activity.